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Would you want to be rescued by Asher?

Hey gang! I've been working furiously away in the background this week on a few projects (which includes two commissions, more about that soon!), and I took a little break from that as I have been ruminating on this new character I've wanted to put together for a while and it finally coalesced in my brain tonight.  So I mocked up a profile, a first script and an image.  Note that this is all very ROUGH draft, and I use these profiles to help establish characters, but as I write the stories, sometimes the original character concept changes, and that's okay!

Anyway, what do you think? Do you want to be rescued by Asher?

Name: Lt. Ryan Asher

Age: 30


Born and raised on a remote colony planet, Ryan developed an early interest in medicine, inspired by his mother, a nurse. He joined the Star Navy Medical Corps to combine his passion for medicine with a love of adventure and exploration.

Asher is universally known by his last name, both in professional circles and among friends. This preference for being called "Asher" rather than "Ryan" is a testament to his straightforward, no-nonsense approach to both his professional and personal life.

Training and Education

Asher completed his medical degree on a prestigious scholarship at Calithor University, renowned for its rigorous academic and practical training programs. This opportunity was part of a special program sponsored by the Star Navy, designed to prepare medical professionals for the unique challenges of space medicine. Specializing in trauma and battlefield medicine, Asher honed his skills to excel in the demanding environments encountered in space exploration and conflict zones. His training at Calithor University, combined with the specialized Star Navy program, equipped him with a unique blend of knowledge and practical experience, making him an invaluable asset in any combat medical situation.


Asher serves as a medical officer in the Star Navy Medical Corps, where he has been involved in various roles, from an onboard physician on patrol vessels to a field medic in combat zones. His ability to remain calm under pressure and swiftly diagnose and treat injuries, and perform battlefield surgery has earned him great respect and professional awards.


Known for his empathy and kindness, Asher always takes time to genuinely listen to his patients and crewmates. He has a serious demeanor but is also known for his wry sense of humor, often using it to lighten the mood in stressful situations. Although unconfirmed, rumours have suggested that Asher may actually have a soft side under his determined demeanour.

Hobbies and Interests

When off-duty, Asher enjoys gaming, practicing martial arts, and playing the guitar. He is an avid reader, balancing his time between classic literature and contemporary medical research. (And by Classical Literature, he has a fondness for 21st century young adult fiction, though he’d NEVER admit that.)


Lieutenant Asher is widely respected for his commitment, skill, and compassionate approach to medicine. His presence brings reassurance and comfort to those under his care, and he is often viewed as a mentor by younger officers in the Medical Corps.


Lt. Ryan Asher posing in a medical shuttle.



Yes please!!! 😁 He’s definitely up my alley


He sounds amazing! Also super cute!