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Hi! So, now that I'm shifting into the production of October Audios, and this little audience is growing, figured it might be fun to do a bit of a Getting To Know MAB thing.  So, figured I'd do a bit of an AMA.  Post your questions in comments here (or if you're shy, send me a DM!) and I'll answer as many as I can in a separate post. I ask that you keep it respectful, and know that I may choose not to answer questions if they might lead to revealing overly sensitive details of my personal life. It's important to me to maintain an element of privacy, after all.  So, what would you like to know about me?


Night Acolyte

What is one place you would like to travel to? (Or have travelled to and would like to go back?) What would you say was the scariest part, or most exciting part, of doing your first recording? 🙃


What got you into ASMR? And what inspired you to create your own? Does your experiences and surroundings influence your content? (I understand if this one ends up being too personal. Apologies in advance!) Ever thought about doing binaural ASMR?