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After running out of your room in a panic after finishing, you head to Xander's dorm room to see what's going on, and can hear him quietly crying in his room. You knock, determined to figure out what's going on...

Tags: [Swearing] [Coming Out?] [Gay Panic!] [Reverse Comfort] [Himbo Jock] [Nerd Listener] [Sexual Orientation Confusion]




Awww sweet Xander. I feel the need to come in as a bestie who makes him a pillow fort and feed him pizza and gooey brownies while we binge watch The Lord of the Rings or other cult classics in adult onesies....


I'm 100% certain he would love that, even if maybe he wouldn't get Lord of the Rings. I think just the company and the pillow forts and pizza and brownies would bring him joy. And maybe a protein shake.... Hahah!


Xander has pretty much just been “straight” before all this? Or only with girls at least? Doing other sexual things like getting blown or kissing is one thing, but for a guy like Xander to get fucked I’m sure it would be really weird and confusing.


Yeah, he never really considered being with guys before, it was never really an option for him, but something about Nerd has... opened his eyes to something he wasn't expecting! This is all very new and exciting and scary for our poor little Himbo!