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Hey my fav people! Good news, Xander has just left the recording booth (aka: my storage closet), and the scripts are all recorded now! I had recorded them earlier, but was REALLY unhappy with the performances, and there were some recording issues which meant the audio quality was pretty meh, so I decided to re-record them.  They're done!  It's over 75 minutes of raw audio for the three scripts, so lots to work with.

I'm so much happier with how they sound and my plan is to get the YouTube Part 1 script posted here for you all for early access TOMORROW night (which means probably before 2am Pacific Time on Thursday morning, because I'm a crazy night owl), and then to get the remaining out to you by Sunday morning at the LATEST.

I have to apologize because I've been really struggling the last week, and I know you always tell me that I should take my time and to not burn myself out, but you have to believe me when I say I LOVE recording these and that it brings me such joy. It's just everything else *waving wildly around* that's kind of weighing on me right now.

Anyway, I'm super happy with how the recording went, and it got super emotional for part 3.  So, can't wait to show you the final result of the next part of the Xander Story!!

Thank you SOOO much for all your kind words, it makes doing this so much more fun than it already is.



I cant wait till thursday!!!!!!!! AHAHAHAH


so excited