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You've been set up on a date by your friend Jake with a hot Daddy.  It quickly becomes clear that you're too tall for him, and he's too short for you.  You decide to make the most of the opportunity when a mysterious benefactor has drinks delivered to your table.  Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, Daddy Bear suggests you enjoy this mysterious free drink. Everything seems fine until... wait... Is Daddy Bear getting taller and more muscular?  Are you getting shorter and more slight?  What's going on?

This work was commissioned by a fan of the channel, and they've agreed to allow me to post it for others to enjoy. A huge thank you to them for this opportunity!



How anyone can turn down daddy bear is beyond me xD. And him trying to look more jacked than normal before a date seems in line with character. But this was very hot how things got worked out; and daddy bear kind of explaining what he wanted to do. Almost like a part 2 is needed, haha. Thanks so much to the person that requested


Different strokes for different folks. But yeah, Daddy Bear, despite his cool confidence, still likes to look his best, and getting a good pump before going on a date is definitely on-brand.