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The new horror movie you’ve heard good things about came out a few days  ago, and you decide that it would be more fun to bring along the bad boy  rather than your bodyguards. After all, any movie is more fun with  company you can actually talk to.

Note: Looks like the decision about uploading videos vs. audios has been made for me... Patreon will not allow me to post videos now that I post adult content.  I'll look into an alternative!



I started with this part, but I should go back and watch the rest! It was great, and your inflections too; I’d think it would maybe be hard doing it so well on one that’s not your own script. Also, I don’t mind at all having just the audio (plus then there are quick rewind controls). And if it’s a price we have to pay for the edging audio; well, I think that’s a fine alternative.


It looks like I'll be able to host videos on Vimeo privately and integrate them directly into Patreon, so not all is lost!