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Hey awesome folks!  I hope everyone is going well. I can't believe it's been 6 months since I posted a meditation video on YouTube back at the end of December (I've since privated them because tbh they were pretty bad.  Comment if you want me to post them here for you to revel in their badness).

In that time, the channel has grown way more than I expected. Some noteable achievements:

* 25 videos to YouTube (5 of which are private), 3k+ subscribers, 220k views.

* Launched a Patreon and the first Patreon Exclusive video (Xander! <3)

* Jumped back into script writing.

* Commissioned and collaborated with some other authors and VAs.

* Launched a Discord server.

* Met and interacted with some amazing people.

I have been incredibly blown away by the response and the support of everyone, and while I have some big plans for the near future (including a couple of scripts ready to go!), I'm realizing I need to take a little 2 week break from posting to manage some real-life stuff.  While I was able to pre-record enough content to get me through to this coming weekend, I don't currently have anything recorded beyond that.

See, I sing in a choir and we have a huge show run that starts this week and lasts for two weeks.  This week, we had 3 3-hour rehearsals, we have another rehearsal tomorrow, our tech rehearsal Tuesday, dress rehearsal on Thursday, 3 shows Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and then four more shows Thursday, Friday and Saturday next week.  On top of that, I have a full time job and I also need to sneak some sleep in there at some point, and stay on top of my fitness.

So, I've made the difficult decision to take a brief 2-week pause from writing and recording to be able to make it through this coming week and next and stop myself from burning out!  This is a preventative measure, I am not on the verge of burning out or anything right now, but I can easily see myself getting overwhelmed by trying to do everything, everywhere, all at once. (Have you seen the movie?  It's SO GOOD.)

This post is getting super long, but I also want to talk about this month's exclusives.  They will still come in June, and the good news is that the first two are written and ready to record.  Unfortunately, I'm really not happy with how the third one (After Care with Daddy Bear) has shaped up and I need to spend some time with it.  I don't think it'll be a very big process, but it's going to delay it into the end of the month.  So your exclusives for this month are absolutely still coming, but will be delayed to nearer the end of the month.

I know all of this isn't ideal, and I apologize, but I know it's super important to take care of myself so I can come back to it in two weeks with renewed energy and a commitment to writing, recording and producing as high quality content both here and on YouTube.

FINALLY (this is getting SO LONG, I'm sorry!!!), the discord is up, it's started to grow and I will be checking in when I can to say hi, chat with you guys/gals/folks and keep you up to date on all the fun happenings.

Thank you so much for having trusted me with your support, and for giving me the opportunity to do something that I love in a way that I can dedicate the time, energy and love that I have for it. I always want to be as transparent with you as possible about what's going on, especially if there are some delays involved. I also really appreciate your understanding for these next two weeks.  I am SO EXCITED to get back to it though.

With gratitude,



Take all the time you need! It's okay to take a break considering how much you've already done. We'll see you when you are back from break! :)