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Hey everyone!  I finally made it back home yesterday evening and after a solid night's sleep, I'm starting to feel human again.  It was an insanely amazing trip out to the East Coast with the choir that I sing in for a big nation-wide queer choir festival, and I got to see a ton of amazing choirs and choruses perform, as well as perform with the one that I'm in as well.  I also took the opportunity to tour around with some friends and check a few items off the bucket list while I was at it.  My voice is wrecked, my body is sore, but my heart is truly full!

So what's coming up next for you guys?  Well, while I didn't have as much time as I would have liked to write this past week, I did get a start on the Daddy Bear Trilogy (as I've been calling it in my head).  Additionally, just before I left I commissioned NyanToDaMax145 to write a sequel to Stolen Glances, Stolen Hearts!  I'll be recording that today or tomorrow and be releasing it for Early Access for patrons by Sunday, and it will be available on YouTube next Sunday!

There's been a lot of requests for more Xander content, and I have a great pool of ideas to draw from.  Right now, I'm toying with two ideas, an NSFW Xander script tentatively titled "Catching Xander in the Shower after a Workout" for Daddy Tier subscribers, and another tentatively called, "Study Date with Xander" for BF and higher Tier subscribers.  Thoughts?

I really appreciate all of you new subscribers, and those that have already renewed for your second month! Your support is enabling me to give back to the authors who have helped my channel to get where it is, and giving me the space to be able to do some more writing and recording. It's also enabled me to learn some new editing tools to make videos with better stories, better audio quality and better visuals.  I would never have invested as much time, for example, as I did with The Next Morning without your support!

Also, I'll be launching the Discord Server VERY SOON!  It's almost ready to go, I just need to do a bit more work setting up channels and permissions and Patreon integration, etc.  Keep your eyes peeled.




Glad you back dude


Thanks! I'm glad to be back and after a couple of days of rest I should be fully recovered, though I have to admit the 4 hour time difference is wild! The jet lag is real. Haha.