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I'm sure you're all aware of the character page within That New Teacher, and the backgrounds for each of them, a lot of them were redone with the Release of Day5. However, for the remaining ones (There are quite a few) I thought it'd be fun to make it a community choice!

Thus, The next post you see, will be a poll to select which character you'd like the first background image to be made for. I'll wait for around 24 hours or so after this post goes live, before we hit the go button, to see if you guys would like to partake in something like this.

Once that character has been selected, I will make a new post asking for themes, and you guys, my supporters can post themes in the comments, and the themes with the most likes will be put into a poll, and the winning theme of that poll for that character, will then be made into their character page background!

What do you think? Sound fun? Let me know in the comments!
It will be accessable across all tiers!

I have attached an example of Suzie's page background image

SFW / Lewd suggestions only. No nudity.

Take care and drink water, whatever the cool guys say these days.



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