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> Continue Training

For the next two days, you and Myla continue training with Dulstaft and Marcus during the day in secret. Through your training, you feel that you've gotten nearly twice as skilled as you were before. If you want to keep this feeling though, you know that you'll have to keep practicing. You also spend your spare time reading your tomes to better your Flame and Stone magic skills. Through doing so, you feel more confident in casting a few more spells. You even think you can combine these elements to create some more unique magic.




During the night however, you spend more "quality" time with your beastkin friend. It would seem that you started something with her. You continue trying to be the one in control, but as your sessions continue, you find her getting more and more aggressive. You realize that if you don't want this wolfkin to completely dominate you, you're going to have to do something differently. Even when you're just trying to have some peaceful cuddles, her lust takes control and you both end up having to take another bath.

As far as the plan goes, you didn't get to see the arrest of the guard, but you certainly heard it. Jates is a pretty good actor and you doubt that anyone suspects anything. Shortly before you are set to leave town, you have one last meeting with the team.

"I've gotten all the information we need from the guard we arrested." The captain speaks before you all. "While we now know the location of the ambush, we also know what sort of force we will be going against. " His expression takes a more grim look as he turns to you and Myla. "It would seem that Nysk has no intention of giving any sort of chance of escape for you. She has gathered her entire bandit troop for that ambush." You ask how many he expects to see there. "We will be greatly outnumbered. They will have somewhere around twenty men." That number is not a good one. "I've been talking with a contact I have in the border fortress and he has noted that almost all bandit activity on the road near there has stopped. This is likely due to Nysk pulling her men to the ambush site. This also means..." A very small smile appears on the captain's face. "That travel along that road is quick. I've called in a favor from the fortress. We will have additional reinforcement support should we need it. They will arrive at the ambush site shortly after we do." Everyone's expression lightens at that statement. "However, I'd rather not call on them to act if we can avoid it. If we launch our attack correctly, we may not need them. Regardless, with their support, our success in this operation is very likely, even if things become messy. We'll be going around and striking from the eastern side. Our reinforcements will come from the west, should we need them."

The captain turns to you. "The time has come, we will leave in two seperate groups. You and Myla will leave via the eastern gate and head southeast. Dulstaft and myself will leave via a hidden path near the barracks. We will then meet up a short ways out of the town, and then head to the ambush site. I know of a path that should let us come up behind the ambush, allowing us to get a surprise attack on Nysk's group. Oh, and you'll need this." He hands you and Myla small objects. "These runic devices will allow us to stay in contact with each other. I'll need them back when we're done here. Officially, I'm not even supposed to have such things as they are reserved for the military only. However, I... have friends." You decide not to question it and stick the device in your ear. It will let you speak to and hear from Myla, Dulstaft, and Marcus, even when you're out of earshot.

Jates speaks to you for a moment. "Listen uh... Good luck out there. I'll be staying here in town." You nod to her. "Whenever you get finished, come back here and I'll cook you guys the biggest meal ever! And then we can finally get out of this place."


"Whenever you are ready, we can start the operation." Everyone seems ready. All you have to do is say the word.


To see the character's current status, go here: 



New Spells:

Flamestream - Basically a flamethrower attack. Not very high damage output, but very good at setting things on fire.

Stone Shield - Raise a sheet of rock from the ground to create a shield.

Rock Bomb - Combines Stone and Flame magic to create what is essentially a grenade. As with all magic, friendly fire is possible. Use with care.

Anyway, time for you guys to choose your equipment for this encounter. You can change equipment in battle, but it takes some time. If you're planning to use magic heavily, you might want to equip a focus glove, since you can use a shield with that. Staffs are two-handed weapons.

Also, didn't mention it, but Myla did buy a shield at one point. She may or may not use it though.

And a tip for winning the upcoming battle: Just try to survive. It's gonna be a chaotic battle.


Look here if you're new to Adventure RPG to learn how it works!




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