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> "Comfort" Jates

You nod and tell her that you have no issues with her coming with you, though you'll have to talk to Myla about it as well. She seems a little happier, hearing that. You also mention that she could be emergency food if needed, though you didn't intend to say that out loud. She glares at you for that.

You also say that she looks a little tense. You tell her that you might have some ideas on how to fix it as you nudge up towards her. Jates gives you a strange look before laughing.

"You literally just nearly got your mind fucked out by Myla and now you're hitting on me?" The innkeeper laughs. "Are you sure that didn't mess with your brain or something?" She seems to think you were joking around with that suggestion. "Anyway, I'm fine. Don't worry. Besides, if Myla woke up to the two of us in the act, what do you think would happen?" You didn't really think of that. You tell her maybe some other time then. She laughs at you again. You were serious, so it's a little frustrating that she takes it as a joke.

Giving up on her, you sit up on the edge of the bath and absentmindedly run your hand through Myla's hair. You decide that now might be a good time to ask Jates some questions. You mention her being a mage and ask her what magic she knows.

"Some simple stuff, really." She shrugs. "A little bit of the elements, mainly fire. I also know some basic healing spells as well." She thinks for a bit. "Oh, I can also tell the magical properties of items. Well, so long as the magic isn't too strongly hidden." So she's a basic all-around mage. Good to know. "I uh... have no combat experience though. I don't know how useful I'd be in a fight."

You ask her why she thinks Malor is such a bad place. Why would she want to leave when she owns an entire inn? "Cause there's no business! I told you that before." She sighs. "Even if the mines open back up, there will never be much around here. Besides, the weather here during the Frost season is awful. I hate the cold..." You say that it still doesn't seem quite right to leave the inn like this. "Well... I guess its also that I've never really left Malor much. Lived here all my life. Honestly, running an inn is boring. I already know a guy who would buy it from me in a heartbeat, so I'll have money to start up somewhere else." She leans against Myla and plays with her fur. "I kinda want to try my hand at alchemy too. I mean, my family has always been alchemists. Just feels right to at least give it a shot." She wants to try new things. You can understand that.

You ask her if she would want to help in the fight with Nysk. She jerks up at that question. "N-no way! S... sorry but I don't think I could do that." She sighs. "Nysk... I'd like to avoid her forever." You ask her why it is that she's so scared of Nysk. "She's extremely cruel. You met Konic, right? He's nothing compared to her. She's dangerous as well. She's got this repeating crossbow and she's good with it. I've seen her just... fill a guy with bolts before, just cause he brought her bad news..." That crossbow sounds useful, though it sounds like fighting her at range might be a bad idea.

You decide to ask her one last question. You ask her how she really feels about Myla. She does seem to like her a lot. The small girl blushes hearing you. "Th-that's uh..." She thinks for a few moments. "Y... yes. Myla has always been good to me, even if I've been a jerk to her." She sighs. "She's helped me out several times, though complaining the whole time. But that's just her way of doing things. I know she wants to help, but at the same time, she wants to look tough. What the old man says is right. Myla is a good person." You wonder if that's true, after what happened a little earlier...

The two of you continue talking for a few minutes and before long, you hear a noise between you.

"What the fuck are you two doing?" Myla's voice sounds remarkably irritated. This is when you realize that both you and Jates are basically sitting there petting the beastkin. Jates snaps her hand back and starts apologizing. Myla turns to you. "Hey uh... Are you okay? I kinda... lose control like that." You nod and say that you're fine, though a little sore. "A... Alright uh..." She looks around seeing everyone naked. "I'm gonna go get dressed." Getting up, the beastkin dries off and heads off back to the room. Dispite how annoyed she sounded, you could tell by how her tail swished about that she was pretty content. Jates noticed it too, shown by her knowing smirk.

A few minutes later, and all of you are dressed. It's still afternoon, so you have time to do more things today if you wanted.


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Yet again, I am jealous of Floria. I want a Myla. ;_;


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