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> Take a bath

You try to not make the situation any more awkward than it already is. After all, you can't really tease her at all, considering you're currently covered in cum. You decide to just ask her to help you get Myla cleaned up.

"Huh? Oh, uh..." She looks in the room and sees Myla passed out on the floor. "I guess that took a lot out of her like usual. Still, it looked like she really pushed herself..." The two of you lift the unconscious beastkin and start heading toward the baths. You question Jates about the "as usual" bit she said. "Oh, yeah. Guess you wouldn't know. Ever since Konic made her drink that potion... The one that gave her uh... this." She motions toward her penis. "Well, her libido kinda went through the roof. It's part of the effect of that potion. I've had to clean that damn room more times than I care to admit." You say that she seems familiar with the potion. "A little, yeah. My old man was an alchemist, so I learned a couple things." You ask her about if she knows of any possible reversal potion, and also how... potent Myla is. "Oh, I'm sure there's something to reverse it. Question is if Myla would even want it. She does seem to enjoy herself..." She looks off to the side. "And uh... About the other thing... I'm gonna be honest. You might not have gotten pregnant this time, but if you guys do this anymore, it's pretty much guarunteed. That potion actually increased her fertility. For uh... both of her equipment. We don't have an alchemist here, so the only potions you'll find here are the basic ones the general shop sells. That means no birth control either. The capitol has the alchemist's guild though, so I'm sure you could find something there. A proper mage might also know a spell or something that could take care of it." If you don't want to end up with little wolfkins running around, you might want to start looking into that soon.

The two of you carry Myla to the public baths in the inn and carefully set her in. It's a pretty large bath and looks nice. It's obvious that Jates takes good care of the place. As usual, there isn't going to be any waking the wolfkin, so you just start to clean yourself. Jates takes care of washing Myla off. The atmosphere is still pretty awkward, dispite the fact that you're all girls. Well... mostly.

You try to break the silence by apologizing to Jates about nearly killing her earlier. She continues scrubbing the beastkin without even turning to you. "Yeah well, apology not accepted." You are a bit surprised at her response and try to tell her it was the only way to calm Myla down. "Whatever. You just took the easy way out." She finally turns to you. "I'm not mad that you ate me." She thinks for a moment. "Okay, I am mad that you ate me, but I'm more mad that you just gave in to Myla's demands like that. She still thinks she's a bandit, and I had hoped that you might force her to change that. But you just showed that you're gonna do what she says." She leans back against bath wall. "If you keep that up, she's never gonna get any better. I guess you did manage to let me out, but..." She sighs. "Nevermind. Just actually try harder, alright?" She goes back to washing Myla. 

You argue with her, reminding her that she was planning to get the both of you killed. She stops and looks down. "I... I know. I guess I don't have any place to be demanding stuff from you. I was scared. You've never met Nysk. You don't know what she's like." She turns to you with worry all over her face. "I'm still not sure about all this. Even with the captain and the old loon... You've got a hell of a fight before you. I... actually wouldn't blame you if you skipped town. That might be a better plan, honestly... I should have never wrote that letter. Now you guys barely have any reason to trust me... I was stupid." She looks up at you. "I actually have a request. I know I haven't really earned any favors from you, but it's just something I'd like if you would think about. Whenever you leave town, even if you just skip out on Nysk... Can you... take me with you?" You are surprised at her request. "This town's a complete shithole. I'm not much of a fighter, but if you could get me to literally any other town, that'd be good enough for me. I do know some magic though. I could probably be a little help if it came down to it." You tell her that you'll think about it and she goes back to washing the beastkin.

Jates seems pretty down, upset with herself. Now would probably be a good time to try and befriend her by cheering her up somehow. You're also still in a pretty private area. You doubt anyone would show up if you wanted to have fun, or maybe even get rid of her if you still felt like it. However, you realize that getting rid of Jates would be a giant risk. The town has few people in it, and a well-known member of the town suddenly disappearing would be noticed very quickly. If you did that, your best bet would be to leave immediately, but then you have to worry about running into Nysk.

The main problem seems to be that she doesn't trust you completely. You admit that she does have a pretty good reason to be untrusting.

You also figure that Myla will wake up soon. You're not completely sure how she'll react to the current situation.


To see the character's current status, go here: 



Befriend Jates? Ignore Jates? Nom Jates? Shove Jates into Myla? Offer ourselves to Jates? Set the inn on fire? What we gonna do? :V

I'll do another poll when it comes to taking Jates with us, but I'll do it when we actually leave. Assuming Jates is available, of course.


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