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> Make a Deal

You lean in close to her and tell her that if it really is your fault, then you should be the one to fix it. She nearly passes out from embarrassment, hearing that from you.

"You... It doesn't weird you out?" She asks you with a blush. You tell her that you're fine with it, though you haven't ever really met a herm before. You had heard that they were rare. "Well uh... I'm not... I'm not really a natural one, exactly." You ask her what she means. "Konic always made me test the potions we got from people. Most of the time, I was fine, or just had some stomach issues. But well... there was one potion that did... this." A potion that gave her a penis? You tell her that she could probably find a way to reverse it. "Yeah but uh..." She looks at you. "It... It's not really that bad. But uh... You said you would... fix it, right?" It start to figure out that this beastkin is submissive when it comes to this sort of thing. You guess that she just doesn't handle this sort of stuff easily.

You nod and tell her that you will, but on one condition. She looks at you, then looks at the floor when she realizes what the condition will be. "Letting Jates go... right?" You nod again, firmly. "Urghhh... But she..." She sighs in frustration. "Are you sure that's a good idea? She tried to get us killed!" You tell her that you should let her have a chance to redeem herself, and besides, you really won't want both Nysk AND the town after you. "That..." She looks down at the floor again. "I didn't really think about the town..." Well, that was obvious. After a long silence, she finally speaks again. "O... okay. Fine. You can let her out. But... You look nice like that. Can you uh... take care of me before you let her out..?" So she's into bellies. You'll have to keep that in mind.

Between how awkward you feel with your oversized belly and the fact that you do wanna take things slow, you decide the easiest choice with the beastkin would be a blowjob. You have her sit on the bed and remove her clothing. You kneel in front of her, and are faced with her malehood. It seems like a good size for you, not too big. You tease her with a few licks, trying to get her as flustered as you can before you really start. Reaching under her balls, you lightly touch her pussy as well, which gets a little gasp out of her. "Th-that's..!" You stop to see if she has any complaints. After a few moments, she speaks again. "That's... fine. I just wasn't expecting it, that's all." With a smile, you continue on.

You continue your teases, hearing little gasps and moans from your wolfkin, watching her tail twitch back and forth. Her penis becomes so hard it almost looks painful, as liquid slowly streams from the tip. At this point, she's very nearly humping your face, desperate for you to continue. You start to lightly stroke shaft with your hand and look up to her. It's time to make sure she knows who is in charge.

You tell her that you will keep going, but she has to understand that she can't go ordering you around like she was before. "Y-yes, okay, I understand..!" You nod and continue your talk, telling her that you are a team and that she can't just ignore you when you have things to say. "I... I'm sorry about before..." You give her one more good lick before continuing. You ask her to promise that she'll start trying to be the a teamplayer and quit her bandit ways. "Yes, I promise... I'm sorry. I was mad. I'll listen to you from here on, so please..." You're kinda wondering how sincere she is right now, but you've already come this far, and she's practically putty in your fingers at the moment.

You give her one more smile before slowly pushing her rod past your lips, licking as you start steadily bobbing your head up and down. Moans from Myla show that you're doing your job very well. It doesn't take long for the beastkin to reach her limit and push your head down, shoving her dick down your throat as her warm seed starts flowing. You're forced to swallow it with her not letting you go, and it seems she had built up quite a lot. You guess that her claws aren't exactly pleasant for touching herself with. After a few moments, she finally lets up and you are able to pull her our of your mouth. The wolfkin sits there, panting, with her penis still fully erect. It would seem that she's still capable of round two. However, you realize that you do need to get Jates out before she gets any more strange liquids on her. You let Myla know that you're going to let Jates out, as per the promise.

"O-okay..." She weakly says. "But once you do... I need more." It would appear that you put her in some sort of arousal mode. She might keep going for a while...

Moving back a little, you start trying to bring Jates back up. It's not at all a pleasant experience, but after a few minutes, you manage to bring the poor girl back out. She's unconscious but still breathing. She is positively soaked with liquids, both your own and from Myla. "Y-you let her out, so come on!" Myla calls out to you, desperate. Her arousal might end up being a problem if she's always like this. You tell her that you have to at least dry her off, getting some towels. It gets a groan of frustration from the beastkin, but she sits and waits, though impatiently. After a few minutes, Jates is mostly dried off and she starts to wake up.

"Wh... what the hell was that all about?!" The innkeeper yells at you, after regaining her senses. "I though we were okay!" You tell her that it was just a little punishment for trying to get you killed earlier. And to show that you were willing to do it, if she decided to betray you again. "Th-that's... That's going too far! I could have died in there!" She looks around the room and realized that they're all naked, and Myla is practically stroking herself. "Er... uh... W-what's going on..?" You realize there's no elegant way of explaining it, so you just tell it like it is, and also explain that putting Myla in this mood was pretty much the only way of calming her down. "I guess in the end, you guys are going to have fun, huh?" She gives you a little bit of a smirk. "I'll just leave you alone. I... I need a bath..." You can tell that she is really grossed out by the idea of being in your stomach, and you let her leave.

Just as she leaves, you get knocked forward, and feel your panties get removed. It looks like Myla isn't going to wait any longer, though are you going to just let her have her way?


To see the character's current status, go here: 



Okay, couple of things, both good and bad.


- I reached my $100 goal on Patreon! That means all ARPG posts will be fully colored now! As with the regular colored ones, they might be non-colored when posted, but check back a little later and I should have them colored.

- I did the "slideshow animation" for this post, to show what it will be like if we ever hit that goal.


- It looks like that poll from the last post got cheated. There was a sudden burst of suspicious votes around midnight last night, which suddenly caused "Digest" to get ahead. I'm ignoring those votes for two reasons. First, it was suspicious. Second, I had already written this post, since I figured 100~ votes was enough to make a decision. But seriously guys, don't do stupid things like that. And before you guys accuse me of just choosing what I wanted, you should know that I love digestion. I also love putting you guys into really bad situations, and well, digesting Jates would have been a MASSIVE mistake. :V

Anyway, now we have a horny wolf who's trying to take us. Should we let her? :V



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