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> Agree to eat Jates but first...

You walk over to Myla so Jates can't hear you, and tell her that you'll eat Jates, but that you should use him as bait against Nysk first. You tell her that getting Dulstaft to help could make things a lot easier as well. The beastkin thinks for a little while before turning to Jates.

"How can we find Nysk?" She asks him. "We might have some way to fix your problem."

The innkeeper stares wide-eyed at Myla. "You... You'll help us..?" He looks like he'll cry again, but this time from relief. "I've never seen Nysk herself, she's pretty smart about not showing herself. But you know that, Myla. You probably also know that her and Konic were close. She'll definitely come out to kill whoever took him out. That letter... I was gonna give it to one of the guards. He knows where Nysk's camp is."

"Hm..." Myla still doesn't seem too happy with the plan, but it looks like she's gonna go with it regardless. "Write a new letter. Tell Nysk to 'ambush' us on the southeastern road just outside of town. And you." She turns to you. "Keep an eye on him. I don't want him screwing around again. I'm going to go talk to the old man." You nod and agree. She stops beside you before heading out of the room. "This doesn't redeem Jates. I expect you to keep your promise." Her words are cold, and you nod slowly before the beastkin walks out.

You watch over Jates as he writes the letter, making sure he writes as he's supposed to. Then, you keep out of sight while you watch him take the letter to the guard, who reads it and quickly heads out the gate.

You had him write the letter so that it said you wouldn't be leaving town for a day or two, to give you time to prepare. You head back to the inn with Jates and find Myla is already back in the room. "Dulstaft will be helping us." She says. "Said he'd been wanting to put her away for a long time, but he's never been able to actually find her. I also got the guard captain on board. He's pretty much the only guard here that's not corrupt. He's only still the captain cause he's the best fighter in town and no one is willing to challenge him for the position. Nysk has a bigger bounty on her than Konic did. We take her out and we'll be set for a while. The captain's already agreed that the bounty will be split between us and the old man." You nod and tell her that you have a couple days to prepare, and that everything with Jates went well. "Good. Then you have time to take care of your promise." She glares at you.

"Hm?" Jates looks up at you. "What's she talking about?" He doesn't have a clue...


Last chance. Literally the only reason you managed to convince Myla to even go with this plan is cause you got a perfect roll with a speech check. :V

Gonna let you guys know some things, since I feel some of ya are taking this a little too seriously. :V

1. I usually won't be overly punishing if you decide to take vorish/lewd routes. I mean, this IS a vore site. I have full intention of doing plenty of the stuff. So go for it!

2. I do not do actions based on votes. I do it based on what I find interesting. So please don't argue in the comments trying to get people on your side. I've seen a little of it in the last couple posts. There are some cases where I'll do it on votes, but I'll let you know in those cases.

3. I've been SUPER nice with this character so far. I'm going to be doing this with every character. I'm calling it "beginner's luck". Once we hit a certain point, that luck runs out and the chance of getting dead is MUCH higher. This is mostly just to avoid creating a character and immediately dieing.

And lastly, I redid my Patreon goals, and now they all have to do with Adventure RPG. Due to Patreon's new layout though, you can't actually see the goals except the current one. So here's a list of what we got:

$50: Flat Colored ARPG Posts [CLEARED!]

$100: Full Colored ARPG Posts (We're about $10 away from this one! It means I'll start doing shading like this: 


$200: Slideshow ARPG Posts (Something similar to what Pred Quest (


 does. They were a big inspiration for this, after all!)

$400: PLAYER 2 (A 2nd ARPG series will start alongside the current one. There will be some special rules, mostly just that they can't party up for extended periods so that one doesn't just end up being a follower, but they are free to help or hinder the other player character! Obviously, this one is a long ways away.)



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