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What's this? A new sort of project? Allow me to explain.

This is what I'm going to be calling Mini ARPG. Basically, it's similar to ARPG, but instead of freeform comments for suggestions, it will be a vote based on predetermined choices. This one is 100% a game though. Everything will be done via rolls. No fudging the dice from me this time. There will be plenty of options on how to proceed in it, but everything can be planned much more in advance by me. This should make it a hell of a lot easier than the original ARPG.

Instead of a grand open adventure, this time we will play as a character trapped deep within a dungeon of trials. The goal is to complete the trials and escape. If the character fails a trial, by any sort of means, then she will respawn back at the beginning. So there's no worry of permadeath, though failing a trial can result in interesting things. There's more mechanics than just this, but I'll talk about them more once they come up.

In general, this one will be very light-hearted and more focused on the more lewd things. There may even be some things that are straight up silly. It will feature lewdness, vore, and TF primarily. While there is a story, it's not the focus this time.

This is an idea that I might one day take fully public, but I wanted to do a full test with just the Patrons here. So consider this the first fully exclusive thing for here. Also, as this will effectively be a first full run test, some things may change during the run of it. I've done a couple private tests, but this is the first semi-public test.

This likely won't have a regular schedule for updates. Instead, I'll make a decision once a majority have voted on a choice, or after a certain amount of time has passed. The posts are designed to be quick and easy to put out, and not all posts will feature a picture. So it's possible that some days could have multiple posts, depending on how things go.

I already have the first post ready, and I may post it sometime soon, though I likely won't be able to do a 2nd post until after the weekend. Depends on how dead I am after my dentist appointments. :V


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