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Heyho guys,

I hope y´all are doing well, but anyway here are the things I want to add in V0.3

  • 3 new stages for Yixing
  • event for side characters
  • date scene for all harem girls at all stages
  • stats menu for girls
  • some more hints on how to unlock girls

I´m sure I will come up with even more while implementing those, so I´ll make sure to let you know what else comes to my mind)

And I know that the patch has been in the loop for a while now, but TheLustLord (who does the artwork) needed a little time off. But now he´s back a it and has already completed 3 of the 5 scenes.

So I hope to publish the patch soon.

But that´s all for now,



Red Nior

Thanks for the update.

Kara Brown

How is Lela unlocked?