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Hey guys,

First of all happy easter to all of you. 

Now, as I told you and you may have seen in the title I will be needing some game testers soon. 

I specifically need some people who are native English speakers, to help me correct eventual sentence structure or tense mistakes. 

To apply just send me a dm and everybody who is picked will be notified. 

I will keep looking for people until Sunday the 16th so everybody who is not seeing this post immediately gets a chance to engage.

 Until then, 




by the way, have you tried using grammarly for that purpose


I would be happy to help you out there 😁. Little Info about me: I am also helping Tonbelly with developing "Feed my affection" and providing him with the server infrastructure to help with developement... Also i wirk as Sysadmin IRL 😁. I can tell you more in DM's / Discord.


hope you find enough testers.


Not sure if I would count myself as legend but thanks i guess 😂