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Hey all, time for another update log!

Inventory & items system

In order for the open world factor of the game to make sense, an inventory system had to be made. Mainly to add a little bit more depth to the game.

Keep in mind, this is still a work in progress and both items are placeholders (also yes, I used a Runescape cake). I intend for this system to remain as simple as in this screenshot.

Items would be found by interacting with the world and/or its characters. Further down the line, I plan on giving items specific use cases. For example, being able to use said item on yourself or someone else.

Time skipping

Another important aspect is time skips, especially in an open world. It shouldn't be a hassle to get to an event at X time, which is where time skipping comes in.

A handy little sub-menu opens when you click on the time, allowing you to do exactly that.

Phone UI & browser app

The way how you access your phone has been changed into an easier and prettier approach.

(as you might've already noticed, I love my tooltips)

Along with this, a new app has been added, which is a simple, straight forward browser. Of course, allowing you to navigate to certain web pages. Might seem like an odd addition, but I have my reasons.




I can't wait, it's going to be amazing


Jade is precious. Can't wait to get some context for these images haha