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Hi guys !

I hope everyone is okay.

I have some big news to tell you, related to my IRL life but which will sadly also impact you quite heavily...

To sum up eveything simply, I'm following my wife who's going to work abroad for 18 months starting on the first of january.

We had this information not too long ago, so I was a bit in a rush to organise everything (move out from my flat, quite my job etc...) leaving me with only few free time to make more comics...

So firstly I'm really sorry if I wasn't very active lately, starting next week, everything should be settled and I should thus be able to finish the comic I'm currently working on plus few mini comics before the end of december.

Then here comes the real big new for you :

There's something that I had not anticipated :

My VISA won't allow me to work at first, I'll have to wait 4 months  until I get my working permit, and making comics is sadly considered work...

Unfortunately I'm gonna have to pause my patreon page until I get my permit...

What you have to know about this (if understood correctly what was said in the Patreon FAQ) :

-During my pause you won't be able to access my page

-You won't be charged any $ while the page is paused

-When I'll make my page active again (should be between march and april), your subscrption will resume with the time that was left before the pause (ie, if you subscribed for one month, and I start my pause two weeks after your subscription, when I'll activate my page again, you'll still be subscribed for around two weeks without paying.

Ok, so that was the bad news, now let's talk about the good one :

- As I said before, I quit my job, so that'll mean a lot more free time to make more comics ! (I expect to at least double my production)

- I plan to change my subsciption offers when I'll be back. I'm not satisfied with my current offer, only one tier feel useful, I'll work on making the lower tiers more attractive, and give some more advantages to the higher one (currently scientist-witch).

That's all about the news, I'm very sorry about not being able to tell you sooner...

I'm sad to have to stop my activities for so long, but please don't be scared, I Promise that I'll be back !

If you have any question, feel free to ask me in comments, I wish you all the best.



Safe travels 😀 congrats to you guys

David Sojka

Everyone can take a brake for whatever reason but Maybe u can tease us with mini work on social media that we woundnt be to lonely