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Hi everyone,

First I hope all of you are doing fine !

Then I wants to apologize for my drop in activity this past month.

In fact I've been very, very busy at work (I'm talking of my IRL one, not my comics), this led me to an overincreasing exhaustion.

Tbh I was pretty close to burnout and thus couldn't concentrate enough to make comics when I came back from work.

Things are now getting better, I had a talk with my manager and my workload will thus be lessened.

I've just finished the last chapter of Simon's curse and started to work on my next comics (the two winners of my subscribers only poll). Everything took more time than expected so I'm sorry about this.

Moreover I wanna tell you that I'll be taking some vacations in two weeks (during one month).

So I decided to pause the facturation of my Patreon page for 1 month, starting on the 11th of August.

It means that every people who subcribed to a tier on my patreon page won't have to pay for their subscription from the 11th of August to the 11th of September.

For the yearly subscriptions, the total subscription time will be increased by 1 month :

Instead of paying for 1 year of subscription, you'll have 1 year and a month.

Finally new people won't be able to subscribe to a tier during this period, you'll have to wait for the 11th of September to subscribe.

I chose to do this for two reasons :

- I would feel bad to charge people for advantages they won't get during this period

-I want to disconnect completly from any type of work and don't feel pressured by any obligation.

That's all for today, thanks everyone for your support, love you all ! <3


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