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Hi guys.

The New Year is coming soon and therefore the activity of the developer and yours is quite low. This applies to Patreon and etc. For my part, I want to say that development continues absolutely without changing the pace and I will take only two full days (December 31 to January 1) to completely rest. December 31 Gray drunkard, On January 1, Gray pays for the “fun December 31” with a headache, etc. And the work will continue again.

Now to the point:
Since you and I (this is already a tradition) always consult on various aspects of the game, I have a number of questions:

As you know, the next update (v0.05) should completely close all the gaps and disadvantages of the previous ones versions so that the player can complete v0.05, save progress and continue playing the next update from the place where he/she finished the game last time. I have already added and done a lot for this and now there are only a few points left:

1. Graphics.
Portraits. I made the characters the way I see them, but the game appeared not only for me, but for you, players. So tell me you like portraits, location design, world map, large images, or would it be better to change something? For example, I read only one but very angry review where a person I don’t like Martha “She’s very fat, hairy and disgusting”). The same person wrote about Kaise "Gray hairs on an old ass," etc. On the one hand, yes, these are such characters and I see them exactly so. But I'm interested in your opinion.

2. Locations.
I can't say anything personally here, so I give you complete freedom of criticism and advice. That's how it is concerns the world map.

3. Design in general.
The same thing as I said about the locations above. Feel free.

All this can only be improved now, while I’m working on v0.05, because after that development will begin in full swing as is and there will be no more changes. There will only be a continuation of the storyline.

Therefore, please carefully go through the game again, preferably in two modes: “All scenes are on” and “Skip scenes” and be sure to let me know everything I asked for above.

This update must be as perfect as possible in order for the game to continue based on this.

As a little pre-New Year bonus, I decided to open up a little “Behind the Scenes” and give you a little hint (this is not a spoiler but a fact):
Martha and Stacey won't always have 6 boobs, not all men will remain men and not all women will remain women. The transformation will not always be complete and things can change at any moment. For example, a woman may have a penis (maybe forever, but maybe temporarily). It is possible to completely or partially get rid of the transformation effect (individually for each resident of the Kingdom). The game is very, very unique and full of sudden moments. Personally, I want to say that for me as a developer this project is a very good decision because it gives my imagination an inexhaustible source for work.

Nowadays everyone thinks more about family and the New Year than about games and that’s damn right, guys. Therefore, you can not answer me to this post immediately, but only when you consider it possible. But It is mandatory to answer, even those who have never been active before, THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT! It doesn't matter if you are a “Richie Rich” or a free subscriber, leave your mark/opinion/advice. This will help the game a lot.

Thank you.

Neon Night


Terra Blade

Personally as a woman I don't mind Martha. She doesn't look disgusting she looks like she doesn't care about grooming down below and not all women do. The only content I am not a fan of is the scat and watersports stuff but as long as you continue to give the option to skip that and not miss anything I think you are hitting as fair a balance as you can in that regard. As for the rest of your game I can't wait to see more, and will support as much as I am financially able to. I personally like the world you seem to be trying to build and want to see more of it. That and I am looking forward to some macho heads getting a more feminine perspective. ;)


Thanks a lot! You understand Martha's character absolutely correctly. This is a provincial housewife of the 50s who lives quite far from the city center. She is already 41 years old and has not been interested in men for quite a long time and therefore does not care much about how she looks without clothes. Scat and watersports stuff are really interesting to many players for some reason, but you are right, all of this can easily be turned off at the beginning of the game (I will add a more detailed description for this choice) and it will not affect the plot in any way. Macho, etc... Here is one of many key points). Reading your comment, I understand that you personally will be very interested). As you yourself said, you are a woman. For me this is a reason to open a Martini (my favorite drink lol). Nothing serious, it’s just very nice that my audience consists of not only men). “I’m in love, I’m pleasantly surprised” (c) Doug from the movie “Cocktail (1988).”


I absolutely love Martha, alot lol. Body hair is actually one of my favorite fetishes. Don't listen to people who are gonna complain about the main appeal to your game. It's obviously not for them.


In general, the changes concern only the convenience for players and improving/adding graphics. The concept of the game will remain unchanged).