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Hi guys).

In version 0.05, I was going to just do improvements, fill in the gaps and fill out the game world so that the Kingdom didn’t look empty, but I couldn’t resist and continued the storyline a little. Well... inspiration or something like that :D. In short, what happened to Rocky already has a very interesting continuation ;).

I also have a request:
Since version 0.05 completes all the shortcomings, gaps, etc. everything must be finished. Therefore, write to me ALL your advice and what needs to be improved/changed. This time only preferences, advice, etc. (no need to praise).

I apologize in advance if you don’t see your advice in version 0.05, because I will have to choose and coordinate with the storyline and system.

That's it, I'm waiting and working.



My advice: 1) You need item pickup notifications. When you grab oysters/clams in the Orc Cave, or Coins, or anything else, a text box should pop up saying "You obtained 1xRoyal Coin" or something. 2) When you switch between the 4 characters before heading out to the world map, there should be text saying what the characters need, even if it's just a hint. The pig lady can say she should bring something to defend herself with (the pan), Stacey could say she has a knife she always carries + she can't remember where she stashed her cider (to let the player know they need to look for a hidden item). Right now there is no feedback or narrative, so players are left without direction or reason. 3) It could be explained more whether animal people are natural in this world? The fox farm: Kaise says it is named after her tail, which implies that she has always been a fox. This helps with worldbuilding, as there are some things we don't know (like has the cow-woman always been a cow, or are all animals we meet affected by the cider/curse/whatever is changing people?). 4) Having secrets is fun, but parts of the main quest should have more direction. As the game expands and gets bigger, it will be harder for the player to know what to do. For example, I think after visiting the restaurant, Rocky has to go to hot spring to progress the storyline, yet there is no dialogue or reason for him to do so. When he comes back afterwards, everyone goes their own way, but no one gives a reason why, or a hint as to what the player should do next (why is Stacey at the old mill road?). Without hints, players will have to visit every location on the map after every interaction, which can frustrate the player. 5) This is more a preference, but I'm intrigued by the inclusion of a transformation bar, and hope that we can see some characters slowly transform in the future (Jenny slowly getting fatter like the aunt, growing multiple breasts, slowly growing a tail, etc.)! Loving the game so far! This is a long post, but I think your game has the potential to the best of the it's kind, with a few quality of life additions. Thank you.


I enjoyed Rocky change! Will his transformation continue until he looks more pig like, similar to Stacey? Thank you again for your hard work.


Thank you). No, each character who received a transformation only has one type of transformation. The standard option is a random half-transformation like Martha - half-piggy. But sometimes, if you mix some ingredients (as Stacey foolishly did), an unexpected effect can happen.