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Lengthy battles are really not for our genre of games. I agree when I see this in Final Fantasy, but in our case the game is designed for a “one-armed bandit” (do you know what I mean?). Therefore, it is more interesting for the player to move along the plot, to see what will help him, as Trisha says on the beach, “Relieve stress,” etc. This is the main meaning of games for adults. There are battles in our game, because this is an RPG, friends, but we will make them logical and not sudden. I don’t want to say that it will always be easy, but in real life it’s about the same). The worm in the cave is just a comedic enemy, he appeared by chance and what does he have to offer? But he should be there. On the other hand, let's take any character that you personally like (let it be Stacy). Maybe she'll get a dick and start loving Greta, maybe Laverne has always loved Kaise or someone else and Rocky caught their "moment." Maybe Jenny always wanted to try something but was embarrassed to even think about it. Now let's get back to the battles. I am convinced that in such a game there should not be “defeat 20 rabbits and bring back 20 carrots”. This is a template and a standard. In 90% of games this is exactly the case and we all understand why, people don’t want to think about every detail to make the game as alive as possible in pixel design. 

Like I said, I'm not here for the money. Money will help me make content better, bigger and faster. For example, when I see that a patron of the arts is leaving (the reasons may be different), this is of course very demotivating (well... I'm an artistic person lol). I started this project to do something new, something truly, as one of our fans said, “It was like I dived into a rabbit hole.” The Kingdom is a world where all the players' desires can be obtained. That's why we always ask, "Write us a private message!" The only exceptions are illegal things and topics (incest, etc.). Even though I'm strictly old school, I make an exception for battles. They won't be intrusive, but sometimes they will be difficult. For example, you want to see how Stacy fucks Rocky (just an example), or how Martha miscalculated the alcohol and dances a striptease in the “Old Mill” (also just an example from my head) - work for this.

The idea of my project is like a genie out of a bottle - I will fulfill almost any of your wishes. My script (storyline) was specifically and well designed for this. Don't mind the beginning guys, it's just the beginning of the story. I will work long, steadily and constantly. The game will be better and bigger, just trust my words. Sometimes the updates will be almost invisible visually, sometimes very large (wow! so much content!) but friends, let's be realistic, many developers make projects for 6, 8, 10 years. And that's fair, especially when my whole team is me, Gray "Neon Night".) Imagine my "developer's kitchen":

Real life, work (minimum). Game development continues steadily in the evening. I don't take days off and always work. Dudes, this doesn’t cause me any inconvenience and there’s no problem at all, but I just have two hands). Just because there's silence here for a while doesn't mean it's "game over." I'm just very busy and Miralissa is basically my voice here. But she can be busy too. Therefore, I really hope that you understand and that this will not cause you any discomfort either. I will not abandon the game and you will see the end of the story. I will release 2 DLCs that I promised and... I will continue to make games in my style. My games will always be 2D, and always as old school as possible. I like how I spend part of my free time developing the game and I see no reason to stop. People don’t like to talk about money, but I don’t care and I’ll say it and you’ll agree - yes, developers get money here. Yes, I've seen some developers who get really big money. And yes, I know that maybe one day you will see an amount on my page that will tell you "Damn! This buddy can buy a Ferrari every month! What the hell?"And you'll be right. But I want to ask you, do you see that people are starting to make games more often using artificial intelligence, neural networks (or whatever they are called?) and putting a minimum of effort into creating conveyor-stamped characters? Do you really like it? Don't you miss "live" pixel characters that you can believe are real? Art, art with a piece of the developer's soul. Which will give you that same comfort, nostalgia and, of course, fulfill what you are embarrassed to admit even to yourself? (everything is strictly anonymous).

Guys, we are creating the world of the Kingdom together. So I'm just asking -> I believe you - you believe me. This is all. A simple gentlemen's agreement. If I'm late in releasing an update, rest assured it means you'll have to wait a little longer. I work ONLY FOR YOU. You are a 1 dollar patron, and you (Tony Stark :P), a 50 dollar patron, and you, just a player without a subscription, and even you, Mr. "noname" from the Internet (my game is played by many, many people around the world), you all my audience and I work for you. You will receive only a quality product.

I only ask a few things from you in return:

1. Communication. Whenever possible, write to me your emotions about the characters, events, design, moments (successful/unsuccessful), about the game as a whole, etc. This makes me understand that my work is needed and liked by people. It also opens up the world of the Kingdom to me even more and you will see the results.

2. Criticism, guys. It's strange, but I have never seen criticism of my work. I read rudeness, I saw “I am your patron of the arts, so do as I say!” (this is of course a ban), I read fat trolls every day (but I don’t feed the trolls and they go away), but I have never seen criticism. Guys, as Duke said to Rocky, "We're friends, huh, kid?" We are not friends, we are just “voices from the Internet”, player-developer. But we are all here in the Kingdom, so feel free to criticize. This will give me something to think about, improve, revise, etc. But criticism should be constructive.

3. If you cannot or do not want to support the project anymore, please write the reason. I always read this moment.

I decided to write this to answer many questions and just added some of my thoughts). You feel safer because my page is alive, and I am pleased to read comments and messages, because a reaction is motivation for a developer. What else do you need to want to work?)

With gratitude and respect to the players and patrons.

Neon Night Time



I admire the emotion to this so much. This game so far has been a dream and I can’t wait for more, especially with the announcement of further transformation and risky combat scenarios. I’m in love, I will support best as I can and good luck!


Wow! Thank you buddy. Yes, we are gradually approaching transformations on a broader scale. I will lead the player step by step into the craziest and most beautiful story, but really gradually (time...). I am very glad that you like my fairy tale so much). ♡


i really really would love to support the project financially but sadly can't but i'll try to support it once in a while when i can! Great Developer and extremly awesome game holy moly it's easily one of my Top3 Games in that Genre. Keep up that great communication and work, i love it.