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Hello foxes!

You already know what's new in version 0.04, buuut...)

We've decided to include visual bars in this update for:

1. Level of curiosity.

This will show the player a curiosity meter that will fill up based on the player's choices in

different situations. When the scale is filled to a certain value, new opportunities will open up, etc.

2. Level "Bad Guy" (we haven't come up with a name yet. HELP!!!).

This works the same way as curiosity, but for situations with "dark matters" and "dubious characters."

3. Level of transformation.

Same as above, but depends on the type of transformation, etc.

This thing is a little more complicated than the first two).

At the moment, only the first two options will be in the game.

This matches the storyline.

That's it, no more news for now). We are all waiting and Neon Night is working :D.

If you have ideas for the name of the scale "Bad Guy" - you know what to do)!.

See you!)


Lorien Ophilia

For the name of the "Bad Guy" levels, this might be a bit bland, but fitting. "Corruption"


3. Level of transformation. Since this will fill and unlock opportunities etc, maybe there will even be opportunities for Jenny or Rocky to gain levels of transformation later in the game? Hmmm.


I forgot to say that of course not everyone will have the transformation scale. Only for those whose transformation is quite serious. But funny things will still happen in the game, which cannot be called a full-fledged transformation, but...