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[General POV]

Camila entered Edward’s house and greeted Ted who was sipping his morning coffee in the kitchen. She was wearing a slightly messy white tank top with oil stains and old jeans. Her hair is also frizzy, and she has a bruise on the side left of her face.

Ted was startled and asked hurriedly, “Why do you look like that? What happened? Did you get in a fight?”

Camila was confused, and then she realized the state that she’s in. “Oh. This? No, this is just a normal Wednesday night for me.”

Ted widened his eyes in disbelief. Camila shoved off the topic and asked, “Where’s Ed?”

“...Um…I think he’s taking a shower.” Ted replied.

“I’ll go see him first, and then I’ll take a nap.” Camila said with a yawn. “Ooh- And if the cops came, tell them that I was here for the entire night.”

“Do you want ice for your face?” Ted asked casually after nodding at Camila’s request. “Frozen peas? Chicken meat?”

“Chicken meat?” Camila was intrigued.

Ted shrugged and said, “I don’t know if that really works. Ed told me that, so there’s a high chance that he’s messing around again.”

“He could be.” Camila said after thinking for a while.

Ted chuckled and took out the frozen peas from the fridge, wrapped it with a towel, and handed it to Camila. She took it and turned around before Ted asked, “Wait. You’re staying here for Ed’s dinner party, right?”

“Sure- Wait, what do you mean Ed’s dinner party?”

“He invited the Dunphys, his god sister from school-”

“HE GOT A GODSISTER?!” Camila asked, flabbergasted.

Ted nodded and said, “Yeah. She’s a teacher. A very nice Italian girl.” Then, Ted explained a bit of what he knew from Phil– who knew about the matter from his daughters.

“Oooh- That’s why he could make those amazing Italian dishes.” Camila exclaimed while icing her face. “I’ll stay here today. It’s been a while since I have spent some time with my nephew.”

Meanwhile in Edward’s room, Jacob finally woke up from his deep sleep and stretched as he left the Ikea style pull out bed that Ed designed on his own. He pushed his single bed back under Edward’s bed after tidying them up while only in his underwear.

As Edward walked back into the room, he was greeted with the sight of Jacob bending over– to insert the bed properly, displaying his bright red underpants to the room.

“Dude. Come on. Even baboons have the decency to wait after breakfast.” Edward scowled, shielding his eyes from the sight of Jacob's behind. “And why do you have to sleep in your underwear anyway? I don’t think you have that habit before?”

Jacob stood up properly, not ashamed of his current situation. He smiled and said, “Well, me and Elsa read an article saying that it’s healthier for us to sleep while being naked. After I tried it, I couldn't go back to sleeping in the old ways, using pajamas.”

“Translation, you video called Elsa every night, and did the cyber nasty. After falling asleep while naked, you fell in love with it.” Edward teased. Jacob nodded instinctively but then was shook.  “No wonder you guys thought that-”

“Okay. You said that you won’t bring it up!” Jacob stopped anxiously and with a brightly flushed face.

“Wrong. I said that I won’t tell another soul about this. I can tease you about it all I want if it’s just the two of us!” Edward said with a menacing laugh.

“I guess I’ll just have to make you forget!” Jacob shouted and started wrestling Edward. He placed his hands on his waist, at the same time, his actions caused Edward’s towel to slip, revealing his green boxer.

“What the- Oh, you want a piece of this? Come on!” Edward said before locking Jacob’s head in an armlock. Both of the two naked boys wrestled each other, knocking out a few books from Edward’s table in the process.

“Hmm?” Camila who was ascending the stairs heard the scuffle, and slowly made her way to Edward’s bedroom door.

“Do you yield?!” Edward asked.

Edward executed a submission hold on Jacob, positioning himself behind him. He locked his arms underneath Jacob's armpit and interlocked them behind his neck. This tight grip immobilized Jacob and made it nearly impossible for him to break free.

“NEVER!” Jacob yelled. But 5 seconds of silence later, “Alright. I yield.”

Edward chuckled and released his hands. Jacob limply fall forward, and he had to place his hand on the bed to prevent himself getting to the ground. His prompt decision saved him from further embarrassment, however…

“Oh boys. So lively in the morning.” Camila caught them in an awkward position where Jacob was bending over and Edward was standing too close behind him.

Edward was surprised to see her. He knew that if he played it casually, she wouldn’t be able to further tease them. However, Jacob didn’t know how to handle the situation well.

“Ed’s AUNT!! This isn't what you think!” He said anxiously before grabbing Edward’s blanket to cover himself like a mistreated girl.

“BAHAHA!” Camila burst into laughter. She laughed until there were tears in her eyes.

“Dumbass.” I whispered to Jacob before walking to her, “What’s wrong with your face…hair…shirt…and why do you smell smoky?”

“Oh this? I just had an interesting night. I’m going to go to sleep now, I just wanted to see you first. And…You’re the top huh?” She teased.

“Always.” Edward replied casually. “You’re going straight to sleep?”

“Yes. You can text me if you want me to buy anything for your dinner party. I’ll be sure to have it ready before you get back from school.”

Edward paused and crunched his eyebrows, “Oh…Right…The dinner party…”

Jacob was confused, “Didn’t you say to the team that we’re having the team party today?”

“Wait. Ed. You double booked?” Camila asked with a grin before she winched from the pain of contorting her face. “Damn it.” She cursed to herself.

“You need to get that checked out.” Edward said to her. “Also, I- Wait. It’s not double…Umm…Maybe like, quadruple booking?”

“Huh?” X2. Both of the people looked at Edward with an expression of demanding explanation. Ed hesitated for a while before sighing, “Well…I actually need to finish shooting for Taylor’s music video before Saturday. So I won’t be going to school…”

“I have already contacted her last night, and will be going to meet her in an hour.”

“So that’s another one. What’s the last one?” Camila asked.

“Umm, a devilish plan to make someone think he has a bastard child. I’ll cancel that one. I have waited too long for it to still be relevant.” Edward said.

Both of them were confused once more. “Ed…what the hell are you talking about?” Camila grimaced.

Ed dismissed them with a wave of his hand and said, “Not important. I can still cancel that. I’ll just have to repay the actress in another way.”

“Not…in a sexual way kinda thing, right?” Jacob asked carefully with a sly grin on his face. Camila rolled her eyes and said, “If you did that, then I will punch you.”

“I won’t. Also, you need to take a shower before getting to your room. Or else, you’ll ruin the sheets.”

“No. I don’t want to.” Camila whined.

“It’s cute that you think you have a choice.” Ed muttered menacingly.

“Umm…” Camila paused for a while before she turned and ran away. “Catch her!” Edward ordered Jacob. The two friends managed to catch Camila. They held her one arm each before raising her body up. Her legs levitated in the air, and she begged, “Ed. We can talk about this.”

“No.” Edward replied before opening the bathroom door. “I’ll leave some clothes in front of the door.” Then, he shoved his aunt through the door. Camila grumbled and said, “You should have more mercy for injured people!”

“What are you talking about? Even if I don’t do this, you should think for yourself that you need to get rid of the gunpowder smell on your clothes. I assume, you don’t want anyone to find out about that, right?”

Camila rolled her eyes and said, “I didn’t kill anyone. Some of the people there open fire into the sky to celebrate–”

“You mean the street racers?” Edward interrupted.

Jacob widened his eyes, “Your aunt is a street racer? That’s….so COOL!”

“Great. Now you have exposed me.” Camila grumbled. “Now get lost. Or do you want to watch your aunt shower naked? Oh, I forgot, you already have a partner- Jacob!”

Edward slammed the door in front of Camila’s face and shouted, “Don’t forget to use soap!”

Jacob then heard some Spanish cursing behind the door, and then he went back to Edward’s bedroom. After getting ready by borrowing Ted’s toilet, Jacob had breakfast with Ed and his dad before Ted got ready to send him to school. Unlike Edward, he couldn’t skip school whenever he felt like it.

Ted asked before he left, “What are you going to do about all of your plans?”

“I’ll figure something out.” Edward replied casually. Ted turned and walked a few steps towards his car before he turned back and asked carefully, “You’re not going to try to do everything all at once, like in the movies when the guy has two dates at the same time,...right?”

Edward grinned and said ambiguously, “Maybe…”

Ted paused and tried to persuade, “Cause you know…That setting will only work, when the two places are in close proximity with each other. I don’t think you can have the dinners… while shooting the music video at the same time.”

Edward rubbed his chin as he thought about it. “I don’t know. I MAY be able to do exactly that.”

“...” Ted was speechless and then decided to give up his persuasion. “Alright. But in care you crashed and burned, you know you can count on me for help.”

“I will.” Edward replied. Suddenly, his phone chimed with a text message coming in. He checked it out and muttered, “Huh. The gang is playing DnD today. Alright, I’m in.”

“Ed!” Ted said in disbelief.

Edward burst into laughter and said, “I was just joking.”

-Dunphy’s house-

“Mom. I have a headache.” Alex said while walking groggily to the kitchen. Her nose was reddish and she looked fairly unwell.

Claire was making breakfast for her children and stopped all that she was doing. She walked to Alex and automatically placed her hand on her daughter’s forehead to check for a fever.

“Oh honey. You’re burning up. Why don’t you go get some more rest, and I will bring some food to you later.” Claire said.

Alex nodded before she realized something, “Don’t you have work? It’s fine, I just need some cold medicine-”

“Don’t worry. I can just walk from home and take care of you at the same time.” Claire said sweetly.

[Claire’s commentary]

“Timing-wise, this fever couldn't have chosen a more opportune moment.” Claire said. “After Phil took the kids away to New York for the day, I used the time to think, and to reflect… Then, I realized…that I have been so busy with my work these days, that I had…neglected my children.”

“I found out that, I know nothing of what is going on with their lives right now. So, I’m going to take some time, and try to bond with Alex… and maybe…”

She then said quickly, “... use her vulnerabilities right now to instill some right ideas inside her mind about her relationship with boys.” She flashed an innocent smile that seemed sinister regardless.

Then, she showed an unfortunate expression and said, “If only I could do that to Haley too.”

[Commentary ends]

Haley walked into the kitchen wearing a sexy dress, all ready for her day at school. She opened the fridge door and then asked, “Mom. Don’t we have any milk?”

“It’s on the table. Honey, what about you? Are you okay?” Claire asked with a sweet motherly voice.

Haley was a bit alarmed and she looked at her mother warily, “No. I’m fine. Oh, Alex, did you catch a cold? Get away from me, I can’t get sick today.”

Alex was already fed up and she said sarcastically, “Don’t worry about it, even if you got sick, Ed won’t be at school today.”

Haley was confused, “Huh? What do you mean? He only took the day off to fly to New York, right?”

Alex rolled her eyes and said, “Don’t you remember what Pepper told him yesterday? He needs to finish the music video with Taylor as soon as possible. He didn’t actually say that he’s not going to go, but it was just logical.”

Haley was surprised, and then was irritated by Alex’s smug demeanor, “Was just logical? What are you trying to be? Yoda?”

“HEY! It’s MR SPOCK, and you know it!” Alex shouted angrily while pointing her finger to Haley. Then, she smirked and said, “It’s understandable. It’s not like after you found out that Edward likes the Star War films you had watched it over… and over to study about them, right?”

“Mom!” Haley was embarrassed and called out to her mother quickly to help her defend herself. Claire smiled and said softly, “Haley, go easy on your sister. She has a fever today.”

“I’m the one who should go easy on her?” Haley said, aggrieved. “Gee mom, no wonder Dad left.”

“FOR A DAY!” Claire exclaimed defensively.

Haley turned around and asked, “Where’s dad anyway?”

Outside of the house, Luke and Phil concocted a scheme together. Phil held the camera while Luke wrapped some clothes on his right hand. Luke looked at the sky and shouted, “Come here birdy! Come here. I got some worms for you.”

“Luke. I don’t think that they will perch on your arm buddy.” Phil said with some slight disappointment.

“Why not? Ed did it.” Luke asked.

“Well, first of all, Edward was in a pretty high place. I guess, up there, the birds are more tired, so they will come down more.”

“That…makes sense.” Luke said. He looked at his arm and muttered, “I wonder if they will come down if my arms looked more like a tree branch.”

“Only one way to find out.” Phil said excitedly. “But we will have to wait until you come home from school. Okay?”

Luke grinned and nodded, “Okay.”

Suddenly, the house doorbell rang. Claire hurriedly opened the door and greeted Gloria who came together with Manny.

“Hola Claire~” Gloria said with a toothy smile. She was wearing a low cleavage top as usual, and she entered the Dunphy’s house without reservation.

Claire said, “Thanks a lot Gloria for doing this. Alex is a little sick, so I need to stay home and couldn’t get the kids to school.”

“Nonsense. We are all family. We… help each other.” Gloria said with a fake smile.

[Gloria’s Commentary]

“I want a free trip to New York to see the live interview too!” Gloria said in annoyance. “But Edward only invited Claire’s family!”

[Manny’s commentary]

“Well, Edward asked if mom or Jay wanted to come with me too, but Mom promised me she would watch me practice, and she also said she’s not going to miss it for the world, so I didn’t tell her that to prevent her from getting a dilemma. Jay didn’t want to go because he wanted to play golf with his friends. He made me promise that he won’t tell my mother about it..”

[Commentary Ends]

Phil and Luke rejoined the family after they decided to shelve their project for a while. Then, Phil lights up when he sees Gloria.

“Hey. What brings you guys here early in the morning?” Phil said as he greeted Gloria.

“Oh. We’re helping Claire take Luke and Haley to school.” Gloria replied in a gleeful manner. “You know. Just doing a family member some favors.”

“Huh?” Phil was confused. He turned to Claire and asked, “Claire, I can send them to school. You don’t have to bother Gloria with it.”

Gloria widened her eyes anxiously and she said, “No. Not at all! She didn’t bother me at all!”

Phil then saw Alex and hugged his daughter sympathetically, “Oh honey. I noticed that you were feeling unwell when we were flying home, so I have already gotten you some medicine and some soup this morning.”

“Aww. Thanks Dad.” Alex said while hugging her father tightly. Claire’s eyes twitched and she said, “But, Alex, I will stay home today to take care of you, even when I have a lot of work to do.”

“Hun. If you have a lot of work to do, you can go. I have no open houses today, so I’m pretty free.” Phil said, causing Claire to freeze. She asked in a low voice, “But you have that house near Bridgeton Avenue to sell.”

Phil smiled innocently and said excitedly, “The buyer already put down the down payment this morning. I don’t even have to show him the house! He saw my video where I went to New York, and he’s Edward’s giant fan! I just told him that Ed had considered to buy that house too, and he couldn’t wait to sign the contract.”

Alex stayed by Phil’s side and said, “Mom. I don’t want to burden you, so Dad could just stay home with me today. I know that you have a lot of work to do.”

Both of Claire’s eyes twitched at this moment as her plans had backfired. “So…I guess I can send Haley and Luke to school?” She muttered.

Phil nodded, not catching the hidden anger behind Claire’s tone. “Sure hun.” He said.

Claire was fuming, but she still kept a poker face. “Come on kids.” She called.

Gloria saw Haley and asked, “Haley, did you get taller?”

“Huh? I did?” Haley was confused. She stood in front of Gloria while her step grandmother compared their height. “You did!” Gloria said excitedly. Then, her vision lowered and she said, “Even your boobs got bigger too.”

“Gloria!” Haley was caught off guard. Claire was speechless and said in a pitiful manner. “You…got taller? And…I didn’t notice it? But… I was always the one to notice it.”

Haley chuckled and said, “Well mom. You used to be around a lot.”

Her words were like an arrow shot straight to Claire’s heart. Gloria noticed it and decided to lend Claire some help.

“Well, C-Claire. Didn’t you say that you will go to the mall today? Why don’t you take Haley with you after school. She will need help to buy some new outfits.”

Haley agreed with Gloria and said, “Mom. You don’t have to, I just need some money, and I will go there with Tara-”

“NO! We’re spending some time together at the mall after you got back home from school, AND WE’RE going to have some GOOD OLD FASHIONED MOTHER AND DAUGHTER BONDING MOMENT! Now, let's go! Or you’ll be late to school!”

Gloria’s eyes lit up and she said, “We can go together and talk more in the car! Your minivan has a big space!

Inside the car, Claire was dumping some of her worries to Gloria after they had sent their kids to school.

“I don’t know. I really don’t know what to do to bond with the kids!” Claire said.

Gloria was still ruminating about the earlier information she had gotten, “Well, didn’t you say that Ed wants to make dinner for you guys today?”

Claire dismissed that topic immediately, “Yeah. But it’s not happening.”

“Really? Did he tell you that it’s not happening?” Gloria said. “Maybe…if he cannot do it, because he has a very busy schedule, we can cook for him instead.”

Claire scrunched her face and she asked in confusion, “How is that going to help me bond with my children?”

“Well, for starters, they love him more than they love you right now.” Gloria was brutally honest, and it made Claire want to cry. “But if you did that for him, then Edward will like you, and the rest of the kids will think that you’re so cool because you managed to get Edward to like you.”

Claire’s expression changed a few times. Then, she nodded as if thinking ‘that wasn’t a bad suggestion.’

“Despite the tour, I see what you’re trying to say. Alright! I got it! We’re surprising Edward today!”

[Claire’s commentary]

“I got to say, I felt a little guilty of trying to use Gloria this morning. But now, I am very glad that I called her.”

[Gloria’s commentary]

“Yes! I got a chance! The next name for the VIP seat for Edward’s interview will be mine!”

[Commentary ends]


dark helmet9

just had a crazy thought. ed likes to drive fast cars, his aunt is a racer. what if you had him join the fast and furious franchise somehow. fast 5 is 2011 the one set in rio. could add him in as an additional helper to the team or something. like i said crazy thought.


Would love for him to sing in foreign languages