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[Edward POV]

After the football practice, Haley walked towards me with a towel. She grinned and said, “You’re a monster. You completely broke him.”

She turned towards Tyler, the ‘Captain’ who actually held such a position ‘only-in-name’ that was sitting on the ground with a depressed blank look on his face.

I chuckled as I took off my helmet and said playfully, “What? He’s broken? How could that be?”

Haley rolled her eyes before she changed the subject, “You know…The cheerleader tryout is tomorrow.”

“Well, I am interested in that, but I think I already have too much on my plate already. You know, with work, and football practice…”

She snorted and said, “As much as I would love to see you in a cheerleader outfit, I was talking about ME!”

“Oh…Then, no. Don’t become a cheerleader.”

“Huh?” Haley was confused. “Why not?”

“Because…I’m a very selfish man. My needs trump everything else.” I said with a sarcastic undertone.

Haley tilted her head quizzically. “Really? The man who wouldn’t stop poking his nose in other people's affairs?” She teased.

I looked at her for a few seconds before replying, “Yeah. That man.”

She chuckled a bit and then asked, “Then nosey man, why are you stopping me?”

“I told you. I’m selfish. I’m fine with others becoming a cheerleader. Just not you.”

She was a bit irate and said, “Tell me the truth.”

I chuckled, held her chin with my hand, and gazed into her eyes. “I am being honest with you. I don’t want you to be a cheerleader. The cheerleading team needs to cheer for everyone. I want you to cheer…only for me.

With a slight smirk, I left the frozen Haley alone to process my words. Cam heard and saw everything that happened as he was standing nearby, and his face was filled with disbelief.

[Cameron’s Commentary]

“That…How do you recover from that? Poor Haley. She’s going to be crushed.”

As Cam was certain that Edward was dating Taylor, he was worried for Haley.

“But…at the same time, I kinda want to see what’s going to happen between them. This is currently more interesting to me than the Chris Brown and Rihanna… Wait, that’s not an appropriate comparison. Kim K and Ray Z? But…that involved a (whisper) Sex tape.”

Cam thought about it and finally said, “It is comparable to the storied love affair between myself and that young rodeo boy from Missouri. We also had an unrequited love…that is to say, I was madly in love with him. He was straight, so I never had any chance at all. See! Haley and I are the same!”

[Commentary ends]

[General POV]

“We’re going to the Cheesecake factory!” Edward announced to the entire team.

Although they were separated into two teams during the practice match before, Edward didn’t discriminate and wanted to treat all of them out to a meal even if he said that only the winners of the practice match would get the reward.

Tyler, who was depressed, instantly lit up and excitedly cheered at Edward’s announcement.

Edward’s dietary requirement for them was considered strict and burdensome, so they wanted to use this opportunity to settle the condition without implicating their families. For some of the kids that were going to a public school in California– even in this quiet rich neighbourhood, still had families that weren’t doing pretty well.

Not all of them though since given the area’s spread there were students who were sent there because their parents still believed in the public school education system,  such as Jenna, Jacob, and Haley.

Jenna’s mother still had millions of dollars in the bank even after she was cut off by her husband’s family since the old man had already set apart a nice safety fund for them fearing such a thing might happen. Jacob’s dad was a college football coach, and since he had once played himself he still had some nice revenue streams he had set up for his retirement so he earned millions annually. Claire was earning more than a 6 figure income through my company and that was without my generous employee bonuses, and Phil was the second best real estate salesman in the district.

There was also Edward who earned more than 200k per day in passive income alone from his music and games not including the revenue he reinvested into other ventures. So he felt responsible to take care of his teammates – even though he didn’t need to.

As Edward was smiling and enjoying the kids reaction, Randall– His manager pulled him aside. Cam and Haley looked at the duo that was arguing with concern.

Cam muttered, “That’s heated…What are they talking about?”

Haley furrowed her brows cutely and said, “Hmm…There’s only one thing that would make Ed react like this. And that’s when his plans don’t go like he wanted.”

Edward then returned to the team and said, “Bad news. I can’t join you guys today. But, don’t worry. I’ll still cover the bill–”

Tyler suddenly shouted, “Can you come if we go there tomorrow?”

Edward was a bit confused, “If there’s no emergency, I can be there tomorrow.”

The team members looked at each other to discuss before they turned to Edward with a smile on their faces. Tyler said, “Then, let’s just postpone the dinner party. It’s useless for us to have a team celebration–without the entire team, isn’t it?”

Edward was baffled at first before he smiled and said, “Alright. Let’s postpone it.”

Randall then whispered to Edward, “You have that Jimmy Fallon interview tomorrow.”

Edward whispered back to Randall, “They can start filming early and end it at 3. I already talked to Jimmy about this. I’d just have to skip school tomorrow.”

“Pepper wouldn’t like that.” Randall said hesitantly.

“He said I need to be at school to make some friends my age. Aren’t I doing that right now? The only thing he would say is ‘Throwing money around isn’t the way to make friends!’ I can just remind him that he did the exact same thing before, so he wouldn’t be able to argue much.” Edward said with a slight smirk.

He turned to Haley and said, “I need to go home right now. You want a ride?”

“S-Sure.” Haley replied with a bright face. Edward walked towards his car without even changing his uniform after saying his goodbyes to everyone there with Haley by his side.

She asked carefully, “What happened?”

Edward sighed, rubbed the back of his head and said, “Apparently a few Air Fryers malfunctioned and almost caused a fire in several houses. So HealthyFry Company is doing a callback on the products and are now trying to find out the cause of it.”

Haley was confused, “But…What does it have to do with you?”

“Oh. HealthyFry is Pepper’s mother’s company. So I need to check it out personally. You know, ‘cause I invented that thing.”

“And I also need to find out whether the problem was with the way the company is building the appliance, and if I should notify the other companies that we are renting the patents out to so that it doesn’t cost us any lives.”

“But… this isn’t your responsibility, right?” Haley asked again to remind Edward.

Edward shrugged, “Yeah. I know that. But, I still need to check it.”

As Edward was driving the Ford convertible to his house, the sky suddenly darkened.

“Close the roof.” Haley advised.

“On it.” Edward said as he pushed the button on his car. Suddenly, a strong gust of  wind blew, causing the branches on the tree to fall down. One of them fell into the gap between the car, causing the roof to be stuck.

“What the.” Edward said with a piece of leaf stuck on his hair.

Haley picked the leaf quickly and shouted urgently, “Drive home! We’re almost home!”


“Go go go!” Haley urged with a smile. Edward sighed and then stepped on the gas pedal to accelerate the car quickly. However, the rain fell heavily when they were only 1 km away from their home.

“Shit!” Edward cursed as he got drench. He saw Haley’s makeup start running down from her face, making him chuckle.

Haley pouted with a puffy cheek and covered up her eyes. It took them less than a minute to get to his house, and when he entered through the opened garage door, suddenly Edward couldn’t hear the rain falling down anymore.

“What kind of shitty luck is this?” Edward laughed out loud as he saw the clear sky. Haley also laughed.

“You want to hop on to the hot tub?” Edward asked teasingly.

“Only if you’re joining in…” Haley said coquettishly.

Edward smiled and said pitifully, “I need to get to my lab…so…”

“I think I’ll just go home and change first. Then, I’ll come by–”

Edward suddenly got a phone call at this moment. It was from Pepper. As he answered it, his eyes widened and he came to a realization a few times.

“Okay Peps. Thanks for  telling me.” Edward said before he ended the call. He turned to Haley and said with a smile, “Well…”

Haley was worried for Edward, “What is it? Is it a major problem?”

“On the contrary. Some of the product was faulty because the factory supervisor tried to cut corners and embezzle money. The design is actually flawless. So Mrs Saltzman just fired that guy. Problem solved?”

Haley chuckled a bit, and then she suddenly sneezed. Edward was worried and said, “We should get you warmed up.”

They entered the house together and Edward started the hot tub at the backyard before he went to change his clothing. He wore red shorts, and Haley wore some bikinis she found in Edward’s aunt’s pile of clothing.

-Dunphy’s house-

“How could you do this to me, Claire?” Phil said in a hurt voice. His eyes were teary, and his voice was shaking. Claire was sitting on the sofa, hugging her knees and lowering her head.

“Hello! We’re here!” Gloria and Jay entered the house as they helped pick up Alex from detention today, and they saw what happened as they entered the second living room.

“How could you betray me?” Phil asked, his voice choking.

Jay and Gloria froze as they heard it and fell into disbelief.

“I’m sorry Phil. It was a moment of weakness– I– I didn’t mean to do it!” Claire raised her head up and begged Phil. She grabbed his hand, but he pulled it away.

“Once is a moment of weakness. But THREE? W-What? Do you think that you WOULD never get caught?”

Gloria gasped in horror and Jay yelled, “Claire! What’s the matter with you?!”

Claire finally realized that her dad was here. She shook her head quickly and said anxiously, “Dad. It’s not what you think! You know what Phil? I’m going to make this right! I’m going to go over there right now, and make this whole thing right!”

Gloria asked hurriedly, “Where are you going?”

“To Edward’s house.” Claire replied hurriedly.

Gloria gasped again, while Jay widened his eyes in shock. Gloria said, “Claire! You did it 3 times with Edward? Or was it… his dad, Ted?”

Phil and Claire turned to Gloria with a confused expression. “What?”X2 They exclaimed simultaneously.

“Umm.. So that’s not it?” Gloria asked carefully.

“What do you think I have done? I’m…We’re just talking about… me eating all of Ed’s desserts.” Claire asked with suspicion and a little bit of anger.

“Oh my god! Everyone else got it! But me!” Phil shouted in anger after he read a text message from Gil Thorpe, his archrival.

Gloria finally breathed a sigh of relief and smiled playfully, “Oh. I’m sorry. I thought it was about something else.”

“Well, me too.” Jay said. “Luckily I hadn’t asked anything yet. By the way, your daughter’s home. And the teacher isn’t going to put her detention in her permanent record, so be thankful for that.”

“Wait. Alex was in detention?” Claire asked, confused and a bit alarmed. “Is she acting out because I don't have much time for family these days?” She muttered to herself.

“Or maybe, she found out that you took what was rightfully hers! And turned into a delinquent because she finally understood the unfairness of the world!” Phil said with a hurt tone before he ran upstairs to comfort Alex.

“Phil!” Claire called out in tired exasperation. “I promise you I’ll find you one!”

[Edward POV]

I chuckled as I read some of the comments posted on my post on Instagram while checking my phone on the hot tub.

“Look. Gordon Ramsay commented on my post.” I turned the phone screen to Haley for her to look . She slowly made her way towards where I was and stuck her body on my arm, and at the same time perching her chin on top of it.


“That’s crazy!” She muttered in astonishment and excitement.

“Alright. Go away now.” I said urgently. She smirked and said, “Why? I just want to read some of the comments.”

“You can do that on your phone. Just in case you didn’t remember, you’re in a time out.” I muttered playfully.

“And just in case YOU didn’t remember, you touched me all over yesterday. So now that you’re driving me away, it made me feel a little cheap.” Haley said.

I widened my eyes and said, “Oh. I’m sorry about that. It was never my intention–” As I was apologising, I saw her smirking face. “You tricked me.” I felt relieved.

“I did.” Haley smirked and placed her arm right in the middle of my leg. “Maybe right now, you can be more honest with me if you don’t want me to do that again.”

She slid her hand underneath my pants and slowly rubbed my cock. She looked up towards me, and her big eyes flashed a trace of naughtiness.

“What do you want me to say? I want to kiss you? Cause I really do want to–” Before I could finish my sentence, she leaned forward and kissed me on the lip. I stuck my tongue inside her mouth as she rummaged her hand on my hair.

I could feel her pulse racing, and as I pulled her closer and fondled her covered breast. I pinched her nipple slightly. She let out a stifled moan and her hand inside my shorts forgot to move.

I pulled her in closer and then untied her bikini. She flushed slightly and said, “Nibble on my nipple.”

I complied instantly and she moaned harder as I sucked on her titties.

“Oh god. Yes.” She moaned with her head pushed back. She dry humped me as we made out, with my penis rubbing up and down on her pussy.

Then, she demanded a kiss once more as she gave me a handjob under the water. Her hand moved up and down while she bit my ear, and I sucked on her neck.

We separated for a bit and before I could say anything to remind her that we were going to far, she put her finger on my lip to hush me and said, “This…doesn’t mean anything. Just like you…Last night bothered me too! I can’t sleep without…you know… a few times!”

I chuckled as I slightly brushed her hair behind her ear and said, “Alright then…No more talking.” I grabbed her ass abruptly and then slowly slid my fingers underneath her underpant. I rubbed her labia for a few seconds before she stopped me and said, “Wait. You had already focused on me yesterday. So right now, I want to do something just for you.”

She grinned and then slowly lowered her head towards my crotch. She lowered my pants, and my erect cock jumped out of it and smacked her a bit on the chin.

“This guy’s lively.” She teased. I could feel her warm breath on my cock.

“Of course he is. A hot girl is teasing him.” I said playfully. Haley grabbed my shaft while slowly licking the tip. I grunted a bit. Then, she opened her mouth and gobbled up my cock.

I moaned a bit and I held her head, “Fuck!”

She sucked my penis up and down a few times before taking it out to get some breath. Her saliva mixed with my precum dripped on her chin.

“You like that?” She asked as she kept giving me a handjob.

“I do.” I replied. She smiled in satisfaction and then licked my penis from the balls to the shaft, before putting it all in her mouth again. I leaned on the hot tub wall as I was enjoying the moment. Suddenly the rain poured down heavily.

“Huh.” I exclaimed.

“What?” She stopped what she was doing and asked, “Is it not good? Too much teeth?”

“Wh– No, you’re doing great. I’m just thinking, I am usually unlucky everytime it rains.”

Haley chuckled in disbelief, “What?”

Suddenly, we both heard Claire’s voice coming out from behind us. Haley yelped as she saw her mother, and submerged herself into the water quickly. I was startled and turned to Claire in a hurry. Haley stuck her head close to my abdomen as she hid from her mother.

“Edward. Sorry for barging in– Oh, you’re using the hot tub.” Claire said casually.

I was anxious, but I still kept a poker face. “Why are you here– How did you get in?”

“Oh. I’m here to see if there’s any more pastries in your house. Then, I met your dad in front of the door, and he said you have an extra one in the fridge.”

“My dad?” I was confused. Haley poked me a few times and then whispered, “Make her go away! She can’t see me like this! I don’t have my clothes on! She will know!”

I didn’t reply to her and said, “Claire. This is the second time you came in while I was taking a bath. First time can be played as a coincidence. But the second time is a behavioral pattern–”

Claire turned pale instantly, “W-What? NO! I didn’t do it on purpose! Your dad let me in!”

My dad then beside Claire and greeted me happily, “Hey Ed! I saw the dryer’s running, and the car seat was wet. Did you forget to close the top off during the rain?”

“Yes. Please go and check it for me. Claire, there’s an extra one in the fridge. It’s the last one. So take it, and go away quickly.”

“That made me feel a little bad.” Claire said with a sad face.

I didn’t react much and said, “Claire. I’m kinda in the nude right now…sooo…”

“OH!” Claire widened her eyes in surprise and urgently said, “I’ll take it out and go away right now!”

She then grabbed the box of pastry from the fridge and said her goodbyes quickly. My dad smiled at me after she left, and then asked casually, “How’s the hot tub? It’s the first time you’re using it, right?”

“Dad, you need to go to your room.” I ordered.

He was a bit confused, “Huh? Are you embarrassed to be seen by me too? But I’m your dad.”

Haley grimaced and her heart beat rapidly.

“Yeah. but I got someone that’s not your daughter inside the tub with me, and she’s going to drown if you stay here any longer.” I said in a scolding manner.

My dad was taken aback, panicked, and said, “Oh…OOH!!! Urrr…Right right. Imma go!”

I nodded in satisfaction, and when my dad finally left, Haley got her body out of the water. She said teasingly, “You luck…is really really bad when it is raining!”

I played along, “I know right?” I fondled her chest again and said, “Should we continue?”

She smirked then wrapped her arms around my neck.I grabbed her ass and placed her on my lap as she kissed me. “I’ll try to change that for you today.” She promised.

She took off her underpant and then rubbed her pussy folds on my penis shaft as we made out passionately.

“Fuck! I’m almost there!” I exclaimed before abruptly grabbing her and placed her to sit facing me on top of the hot tub sill. I spread her legs before passionately eating out her pussy.

Haley covered her mouth to prevent her moans from getting out as I licked her clit. Her pussy juices were flowing into my mouth. “I…I can’t.” She shivered as she tried to hold herself back.  But she couldn’t.

She threw her head back and unconsciously let out a loud moan as she achieved orgasms. She breathed heavily for a few seconds before shooting a glare at me.

“You’re supposed to come first!” She said with a cute pout. I chuckled and then whispered huskily, “Sorry. You just look soo cute. I can’t help myself.”

She giggled and blushed as she said, “Hehe~ I forgive you. But only because you said I’m cute.”

“You’re always cute. And pretty. And also smart.” I added. Her face flushed red and then she stopped me. She jumped back onto the tub, and as we were both standing up there, she grabbed my penis and stroked it again while we shared a passionate kiss.

She stroked my cock vigorously while one of her hands was playing with my balls. Then, she bent over with her hand on the hot tub sill and tempted me, “You can rub it on my ass if you want. But YOU CAN’T PUT IT IN!”

“I know.” I muttered with a slight disappointment. She grinned as she saw it before she acted like she was giving me a stern warning once more. I rubbed my cock in between her thigh and her pussy. I held one of her hands and pulled her closer, causing her to arch her back, and then kissed her again.

She moaned harder and harder from the friction. The sound of heavy breathing and our bodies slapping each other was drained by the sound of heavy rain.

“Oh god! Oh god!” She moaned in pleasure. “I’m going to cum again!”

“Me too!” I added. Then, with a cry of pure ecstasy, she came on my dick while I shot my semen all over her thigh and pussy. She turned over and licked my dick to clean it up. Then, she shot  me a teasing look and said, “Enough?”

“Not yet.” I joked. “Why don’t we continue this in my room, or else my dad won’t ever have the chance to come out of his room tonight.”

Haley then smirked and said, “Well I feel sorry for him…and for you too. I need to go home right now, or else my mom will surely find out.”

I noticed that she wanted to tease me, so I played along and didn’t pursue it further. “Alright. But can I motorboat you one more time before you go?”

She smiled innocently and said, “Sure.” She squeezed her breast together, and I slowly placed my face on the cleavage before giving it a nice shake. “BRRRRR!”

As she laughed out loud, I looked at her intently, and then snuck in one last kiss. She was taken aback at first before she wrapped her arms around me again. We shared a minute long deep kiss before she finally released her arms and said, “I really need to go. Or else, I’m going to do something I’ll regret.”

“Hi. Nice to meet you. My name is ‘Something I’ll Regret.’” I joked.

She laughed again and snuck a few pecks on my lips. We then went to the dryer to get her clothes and then I sent her back to her place.


Cedrick Jacobe

Letsss gooooooo, Thanks for the chapter author-san😆 after 42 chapters we get another one but you know * cough who’s counting😏😏 Anyways thanks for giving Edward self restraint, it really shows how important haley is for him.


Still wondering if Taylor saw anything?