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Happy New Years! One Year Ago today I started off with a New Years resolution that I wanted to make my own Futanari Content to fill a market in something I don't see done. That and to help my horny lol. And one year later, the results of it have become much better than I expected. But that's what I get for underestimating the Internet and our collective likes of Futanari animations. But I made a questionnaire to not only get more feedback on my work, but to also find new ways to find new people and to also improve things for now one. Because I am only one person, so outside opinions are always welcomed. So let's get to some of the feedback I found most helpful and what changes will come from it!

In the "What Can I do Better in 2024" section. I got good ideas like:
*Make more simple teasers like I did for Christmas
*Add Music in videos
*Add After Credits
The teasers animations are easier to do. So I guess I will start making them a bit more often. I don't know for what occasions specifically, but I will figure that out. When it comes to music in scenes, I wouldn't know what would be appropriate without my animations being weird. Because I don't like music in those type of videos. And when it comes to after credits.....Yeah, I can make some ideas specific to the animations.

In the "How to Improve the Patreon Section"
*Adding a Smaller Donation Tier (Will be done, just less benefits or act as tip jar)
*Make Pinups of my Oc's (Can do)
*Make a Subscribestar or something similar for others (Never thought of, but I can do that)
*Be more exclusive with my content (Yeah I see far better results when I gatekeep it longer)
*Mega Archive Access (Will start doing)
*More votes (Perhaps, depends on what type of votes. But will keep in mind)

"How do I promote my content better"
*Reddit (I know some subs are strict about self promo. But I'll see)
* The Hub (Tried it, but they take down my videos. Probably the themes if I had to imagine)

"How to improve my animations"
*Not reusing some of the futas, you made the best ones around and only use them once. (I got this comment alot. So I guess I am making a RF4F Cinematic universe. I'll tone down on new characters and flesh out old ones more. Glad to know you all like them so much.)
*A little to much time between story and sex scenes (I like a good story, but I know what we all want. It will come at a a=sacrifice of run time, but I'll improve at that)
*They are pretty big file size wise, having to fight with MEGA to be able to watch one without stuttering is sometimes frustrating (Yeah I will find a way to mitigate that. My bad)
*There is a pattern in the character (You are not wrong, I can't lie and say I don't have a type. Will make more diverse characters this year)

More of you all prefer Futa x Male, then Futa x Futa, and aren't big fans of Futa x Femake. Noted lol. I will attempt some Futa x Futa content.

"I see you don't just release loops (praise be!), are you considering smaller singular releases or leaning towards multi-part stuff this year?" A: This year, I might make stories smaller and stay away from multiple part stories. Ya'll want consistency and I will do my hardest to provide that

"Two questions here. Since everyone seems to be allergic to latex, will there ever be pregnancy content? Also is the increase in feet content here to stay?" A: Never did pregnant content, but I just do whatever makes me horny, so if the time comes yes. And for the feet, ofc!

"Are you able to do this full time or do you have to make this content while also managing a full time job or school or something?" A: NOPE! I am a Full-Time 9-5er. But if this makes me enough money to live off of, I would put in my two weeks notice ASAP! But one day at a time

"Can you do animations with characters from certain anime?" A: Yes, one of these days, the Deku x Toga animation WILL HAPPEN!

"Which of the futa do you enjoy making the most? " A: Easily Futa x Male. I am a femboy enjoyer lol.

"What where your favorite videos/ doujins/ hentais that inspire you to love futas and to animate them" A: I can't say I have a favorite. But the reason I started is because I don't see anyone make animated stories. AND I LIKE STORIES! My favorite artist in the Futa Sphere is "Dhibi". Animator is "Hrenit", "Sleepy B", " DGenerator", and "NYL". For straight up Doujin....Can't say. But one I go back to constantly is "Boukensha ha Mesuiki Suru Hodo Tsuyoku Naru ga Baka ni Naru Ken Wo Te ni Ireta". Don't be surprised if I make something similar to it's plot.

"How much are you expecting from patreon to convert making videos a full time gig?" A: Idk, mainly because I already got a stable job and I am doing well just making them when I am not working.

"Did you start animating because futa animations werent to your liking?" A: Yes, I like stuff with a story and setting. Plus I don't see anyone making content like I like it. (Alot of Femdom Futa x Male). So you know what they say. If you want something done right, do it yourself!

"What inspired you to start these stories?" A: Safe to say I have a vivid imagination. And while I don't want these same things done to me IRL. I love reading about it in Doujin's.  I think of new ideas constantly! But again, mainly because no one else does it and I want to get high off my own supply! Even in the regular Doujin space Futa on Male isn't very popular.

"Is this your hobby or your job?" A: You can argue both, I treat it like a business/job. The extra income helps me out big time. Eventually I will use it towards my animations.

Hope you enjoyed this questionnaire process! And I hope you have a good start to your 2024 year!
And one last time. Commissions are open unless I say they are closed, so if you got something let's talk! Also, if you have anymore questions or something you want to run by me HMU!




I agree with the music as I don't like it in the videos, it is very difficult because you don't know if people will like it and it can distract from the scene so you're better off just not using it. As a compromise maybe someday you could do a video that takes place in a club or stripclub, then the music is part of the scene.


Only time I ever used it willingly was the cornerstore scene in “Tobi the Call Boy” and that’s only because it fit very well. Kinda gets rid of the horny, especially if it doesn’t fit.