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Hello everyone! This is RF4F! When you see this. I am currently back in my home country and now on slight break from work and celebrating the Holiday season! I see the Patreon Poll already has a clear winner, so I am now here to announce the next project that will be worked on! And it is called
"How Dare You Reject Me" as you all wanted a Mind Control Plot similar to my "Emi's Sex Therapy" animation from early on. Except the opposite lol.

Here is the story I have in mind so far: Sayoko has a crush, and it's her co-worker Riku. Sayako sees Riku as her sweet prince and has a unhealthy obsession with him to the point that even Riku is weirded out and hates working with her. But one day, Sayako gets the courage to ask Riku if he will go on a date with her, to which Riku rejects as politely as he can considering they work together and got to keep a decent work relationship. That rejection sends Sayoko into a rage, to where she vows that if she can't have him, then nobody can! Once she gets done with their shift, she goes home and goes searching online to find a way to make him, her's. To which she finds something she can't even believe exists. A Mind Control App. Once downloaded, all it took was one use of the App to take control of Riku's whole world and make him regret ever rejecting her.

I hope you all have a great Holiday Season!






Could I make a minor suggestion and make it body control instead of mind. That way Riku gets to be controlled but still have his voice so he can know that he is being broken by Sayoko. Or he could have an inner monologue where he knows whats happening but can't stop it, and he slowly succumbs to her.


I’ll keep that in mind! I was going to use a mix of both since I read a lot of this stuff and wanted to add my own mix to it 😈. Thanks for the suggestion 😘