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The people have spoken! I have ran a animation poll for the Month of October and the $7.50/$10 Patrons have voted for a finale to the "Souta's School Crush" storyline I made a few months ago. Which is great! I am glad you enjoy my stories so much that you'd want a continuation! In this finale I want to focus on the continued feminization of Souta and make a Summer Story Arc now that they are done with classes for the year! You all will be in for a treat!

Story: It has been 5 months since Souta and Kaede has started dating and everything has been great. Kaede keeps turning Souta into her perfect partner slowly every day and physically Souta is changing due to it. Now summer Vacation is here and Souta is hoping to spend more quality time with Kaede instead of their weekend dates and having to hide their relationship at school. But Kaede has to go to a Track camp and will be leaving Souta by himself for a month, but promises to spend the rest of Summer with him when she returns. Until then, Kaede gives Souta tasks to do while she is gone to entertain her while she is gone, and if he completes it, she'll treat him to a trip for just the two of them. Kaede's requests might be a bit over the top, but Souta is willing to do anything to stay with his crush and for the opportunity for real quality time with Kaede. But knowing Kaede, she is always willing to push the boundaries of her special "girlfriend".

As usual give me the usual time to give updates to my $7.50/$10 Patrons and remember, quality work takes time, but I will try to get this done at my usual pace!




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