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Hello All! Once again I decided to push a few things to the side to get done with my recent project because I was committed to the story of it lol. So here is it!

I strive to make each animation better than the last in as many ways as possible, so don't hesitate to leave your thoughts in the comments. Was directed to more sfx and the like so there will be more for you to hear this time around!

Again though, thanks for the support, hope you enjoy, and leave your thoughts on everything!


1.01 GB file on MEGA



I can't play it. It doesn't work


Hey, you might be experiencing a problem with Mega. If you look at too much stuff in a 24 hour period it won't let you look at stuff for a bit. It works for me on my other devices. So I think that maybe the issue


yea i finished the DL on mega, couldn't outright play the file, turns out the mega DL file is missing the .mp4 file extension, renamed it and it worked


Oh, is there something I can do to fix that. I’m relatively new to using all of this so if there is I’d appreciate some intel. I thought it was simple as just uploading it 😭.


if people know like basic video playing they can just use vlc player or even window media player that is instantly installon pc device it work just fine


If there a service I can use so you all can see it without all of that. I was told Mega would do the trick. And apparently Google Drive has its issues too?


Yeah it’s not working on my mega, it needs to be a mp4 for it to work.


Would you happen to know how it works? I render my videos to a MP4 file and upload that same file so I really don’t know what the issue is genuinely 😭


Good afternoon, I would like to be able to see this video but it won't let me see it. Is there any way to see it?