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These units are supposed to prevent ice and snow from forming on your vehicle by emitting a molecular agitation field that prevents the ice crystals from precipitating.

Obviously this is a load of crap, as they are just rethemed air fresheners.



How a vehicle molecular de-icer works

These things are all over the usual online selling platforms at the moment, so I thought I'd buy some and explore their mechanism of operation. It turns out that their mechanism basically involves deception and fraud, so these products are perfectly suited to selling platforms like eBay, Temu, Wish and AliExpress who facilitate the sale of such things. In reality, the rogue sellers have reimagined just about every dashboard mounting device as the new "molecular microwave de-icer" to cash in on the non technically inclined who are desperate to avoid scraping ice off their windscreens in the morning. These units do definitely have a molecular effect though. Mainly in the form of emitting chemical aroma molecules that may or may not be nice to breathe. I'd guess that anyone trying to complain about these to the sellers will be fobbed off with delay tactics and a 50% refund offer as a last resort. If you enjoy these videos you can help support the channel with a dollar for coffee, cookies and random gadgets for disassembly at:- https://www.bigclive.com/coffee.htm This also keeps the channel independent of YouTube's algorithm quirks, allowing it to be a bit more dangerous and naughty. #ElectronicsCreators


Dustin S Cochran

How would one economically create a "molecular de-icer"? The only way I can think such a device could work, would be to keep the car heated to a temp high enough that snow/ice can't build up, via an electric heater, which would have a high power draw.


Maybe if you replace the essential "deforestation" oils with ethylene glycol...