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The corner cutting on these deathtrap products is impressive.  I'm guessing it's a cost optimised version of a real product that has had very single corner cut with total disregard for safety.

eBay has no proper way to report a dangerous listing like this, which is a shame, as otherwise eBay is a very useful platform.

My bench area now smells of toxic smoke after I did a simple 5A test on the cable at low voltage.  There was smoke pouring off it, and the exposed conductors were glowing.  The voltage across it increased to a surprising level too.



Dangerous "death Dalek" lights still on eBay

I've featured these lights before, but it's surprising that they are still being sold on the eBay platform. Presumably these are based on a real product, and this is a minimal clone. Every corner has been cut, meaning that if you try charging your phone from this device while it is plugged in, it could make your phone live at full mains voltage. eBay has no obvious way to report blatantly dangerous products. Over the past decade the number of directly imported killer products must be massive. Sometimes I wonder how many shocks and fires are caused by the grey imports. It would be really nice if eBay had a way to report dangerous products from the listings. But they seem to have everything else but that. The "NiMH" cells are very suspicious. They have the seal at the negative end which is odd as NiMH cells usually have it at the positive end. I'd normally expect NiMH cells to charge to around 1.5V when freshly charged and then settle down to about 1.2V, but these ones are showing a higher voltage than expected from a product that has been through storage and shipping. They might be solar garden light grade cells if they are actually rechargeable. The super thin copper coated steel wire is quite impressively too. Basically a combustible fuse. I've subsequently tested it, and at 5A the cable was smoking significantly and the cores were glowing red hot. I like eBay, but I wish they'd clamp down on some of the dangerous items that are aimed at non technical consumers. If you enjoy these videos you can help support the channel with a dollar for coffee, cookies and random gadgets for disassembly at:- https://www.bigclive.com/coffee.htm This also keeps the channel independent of YouTube's algorithm quirks, allowing it to be a bit more dangerous and naughty. #ElectronicsCreators


Curtis Hoffmann

Daleks have to follow safety regulations? Who knew?

Nani Isobel

Awww. After your description I was expecting to see your 5A test. I haz a sad.

Dave Frederick

I was just wondering if that metallic paint is conductive. I'd guess that would make it even more of a spicy fun product. Usually while you are taking things to bits, I'm mentally noting various parts that might be useful but in this case, I think as before, there's not much there is there?