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I foolishly decided to film this early in the morning on the day of a flight, so the mess it made was quite annoying.  The machine had marmite squirting out of every orifice.

But it was worth it for science.

The bulk of the work on the job should be done by end of play today, so hopefully I'll get more time to finish off some videos I've started.   So far it looks like the printer has survived in storage, but I'll find out for sure once it's powered up.



Marmite vs Sodastream - will it carbonate?

Well this was foolish, but I have no regrets. The sodastream machine did need a very thorough internal cleaning afterwards. To carbonate the Marmite I dissolved a large spoonful in hot water and then chilled it to make it more receptive to carbonation. It took a lot of carbon dioxide, but didn't seem keep to hold onto it, so releasing the pressure was time consuming and messy. But the results? Not gonna lie - I'd drink it again.... If you enjoy these videos you can help support the channel with a dollar for coffee, cookies and random gadgets for disassembly at:- https://www.bigclive.com/coffee.htm This also keeps the channel independent of YouTube's algorithm quirks, allowing it to be a bit more dangerous and naughty. #ElectronicsCreators


Simon Hopkins

Mmmmm Marmite. Peanut butter next 😂


Beef Guinness. A splash in batter for fish might be genius.