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I asked Chat GPT about changing the specific gravity of water with ethanol and it told me that ethanol floats on water.  This is bad news for vodka.

It then announced that drinks manufacturers simply skim it off the top during the fermentation process.

This is going to save the distilleries a fortune in fuel......


Mark Rimmell

It does seem that if you have the faintest notion of a subject you find the AI gets it wrong. It's a bit like a journalist in that respect.


ChatGPT seems better now 4.0 has been released, at least as far as software coding goes. It is still confused about alcohol, though.


I've just been chatting with it, we talked about jokes. It told me a shit one, and I told it one about "what's pink and hangs our grandad's draws". It predictably "hah hah'd", but when I asked it to explain the joke back to me, it did so with remarkable grammatical understanding. Colour me impressed with that Ai system. It's almost a shame it's shackled as a 'response bot' and not let off the leash a bit more.

Paul Ste. Marie

Not entirely wrong: the traditional way to make applejack was freeze distillation, where it was chilled until the water started freezing out and was then scooped out of the barrels.