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The first rule of moonshine club is...

This is the next drinks carbonation video, although I'm not sure I'd class undiluted moonshine as a drink.  More a pandemic-grade sanitiser or PCB cleaner.

The results were very interesting though.  There was even a bit of cryogenic fog.



Moonshine vs Sodastream - with SCIENCE!

Having already discovered that white wine takes twice as much carbonation as water, I thought I'd push it to the max and try carbonating 140-proof moonshine. (Highest I could get.) The results were very surprising and even came with a bit of cryo-fog. Then I decided to taste-test it, and that's when things went wrong. But if you want to sanitise your hands or clean your PCBs with fizzy solvent it's perfect. To get the "proof" of a spirit just double the alcohol percentage - it's the "peak music power" of the drinks industry. If you enjoy these videos you can help support the channel with a dollar for coffee, cookies and random gadgets for disassembly at:- http://www.bigclive.com/coffee.htm This also keeps the channel independent of YouTube's algorithm quirks, allowing it to be a bit more dangerous and naughty. #ElectronicsCreators


Matt Tester

People, I think we peaked. That was brilliant.

Chris Muncy

Yup! Almost had coffee come out of my nose!


Funny , Funny , Funny Spiting it out should have been the YouTube photo.


Clive accidentally solves climate change. Just dissolve the CO2 in moonshine!


One now is simply left to wonder on how a proper martini may be enhanced or possibly completely destroyed by the introduction of copious amounts of that evil of evil's, "man made global climate changing, carbon based gaseous substance"? Whatever would our favorite Downs Syndrome child Gretta bitch about... Now??? The improper use of vegetable food stuff's to manufacture intoxicating liquors? The further mortal sin of infusing it with free-range carbon dioxide? The fact that the world population is increasing exponentially and yet she's not "getting any action"??? ...Poor thing... I may have been enjoying a fizzy Martini or three while mashing the keyboard this evening, so be forewarned!

John Harrison

Moonshine = Solvent for my shellac, I use UK Methylated spirit, I am sure they have added more water over the past 30y I use it for my woodwork and old sewing machines. Here is a Singer 28K made in Scotland in 1891 https://photos.app.goo.gl/c4Yo3W5ctKsVtmyXA Pink screwdriver is a nod to Clive, funny my pink tools do not get stolen ;-)) The aluminium foil wrapped around the rusty seized metal was filled with vinager for about 20hrs. Wash in hot water and put in a warm pan on the stove spray with WD40 and let dry, this will stop the rust bloom. Paint with shellac job done. Pity I did not have a before picture, it was a mess, it was given to me because it did not work.

Mike Page

I once made parsnip wine. It was so disgusting I made a still and accrued about 0.5L of approx 80% spirit. Sipping it was a strange sensation - not like liquid but a kind of fluid heat.


Y'all practically invented drinking, but Appalachia made moonshine. 140 proof is sipping likker to me, real moonshine is at least a buck eighty.

that guy

I wonder if ethanol (or isopropanol if you clean with that) cleans more vigorously when fizzy. The foaming bathroom cleaner approach to PCB cleaning and part de-greasing.

Robert Kelliher

I can just see you spitting that into a small flame and ending in a giant whoofle, I mean really "ending"

Robert Kelliher

I can just see you spitting that into a small flame and ending in a giant whoofle, I mean really "ending"


Clive, that's your best clickbait thumbnail yet! Love it.