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Does it spoil it for you guys if I post occasional sneak previews of video's here before releasing them for open viewing on YouTube?


Inside a Guinness surger unit.

Guinness is a popular dark Irish beer in the UK. It's best to drink it in Ireland as it doesn't seem to travel well. The main characteristic is the very fine bubbles that almost seem to flow downwards when it is poured, and create a distinct drinking experience with a characteristic striking contrast between the black liquid and white head of foam on top.



It makes me feel special. ☺️


Yes. Same here. I feel appreciated.


Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy and pink inside :)

Simon Howroyd

I have one of those! Brilliant but I never bother using it, you can't get the cans anywhere. I know a few pubs which have one which upsets me


Does not spoil at all! These kind of surprises are welcome :D


It doesn't spoil it for me at all. :)


Keep'em coming! :-)


If it means I can post my "FIRST!" comments before anyone else, it's totally worth it


Makes it a bit more special. I take it as an extra Thanks for supporting you. :)


No, I love seeing them whenever you get them out Clive!


I like the extra or early content. Your sink looked great when you zinged the blackthorn.


Awesome! Makes it feel like "exclusive" content.


There's Guinness and I'm in Dublin. How could anything be spoiled by that? :D


Now how can you make it more.... explodable!


I like to get material early...

Phil Collins

No, I'm happy. Apart from wanting to go back to Ireland to drink the real stuff, that is.


No, and if it did I could choose not to watch the previews.


No I'm happy too. Many content creators on YouTube actually try to promote Patreon by offering early access to their videos in this way. As others have said, you can choose to watch it or not.


We have a choice this way of when to watch. Plus you get earlier feedback and all from your Supporters. Win, Win!


It's all good - we can choose to watch it here or when it hits YouTube.


By all means let us see it early. Much appreciated.


Doesn't spoil it for me. I feel special because I get a canny wee look at it in advance!


1st time I've seen one of these didn't know they existed will be getting one for the man cave bar. Suppose it could double up as a small ultrasonic cleaner too or breaking up graphite soup into graphine time will tell. Thanks Clive keep up the great videos. Cheers Pete


Great! Now I can be late for work watching your videos rather than simply staying up until 2am. :)


Not for me great job keeping us informed


My whole Invasion Day ruined, this sort of thing must be stamped out before it takes hold and brings YouTube crashing down ;-)


I like that dave jones does this style of patreon thing, I think its a good idea


Doesn't spoil it for me....quite the opposite.


I like to get the preview, makes me feel wanted 🤓


Fine by me. Always enjoy your videos


Its great! I really look forward to your videos. I save them for late evening when I can savor them.


Great idea.


Not necessary IMO. Happy to wait for the public release.


Goan yesel Big Man :o)


Ya had me at Guinness...


You're still one my fav youtubers. I enjoy your videos and they help me in more ways than one (I was the one who PMed ya on youtube about certain "issues" i have and how you helped me in the last week or so.)


I think it's a great idea - a really nifty little perk for your contributors.


Awesome idea!


Sneak peeks sound good to me. :)


Not at all. Wet the appetite so to speak.


Fine by me!


Not at all! Are World Records involved?


Keep the videos coming! My 4 month old son really enjoys the sound of your voice, and you often are a part of meal time. So the more videos you make, the better he eats. Go figure.

Stephen Bell

That's part of what Patroen is all about - getting something the Muggles don't get. Have a look at how Techmoan does it. Every video is posted to patrons 24 hours before the item's made public. That way, patrons get top discuss it (with you) before the hundreds or thousands of other comments arrive. *Every* video should be private to us for 24 hours before you make it public.


I've always used the idea of patrons getting things a little ahead of the normal people because then its giving them value without making it so that you HAVE to pay up to get anything. -mb


I don't really mind either way whether I see it before non-patreon members do as the reason I 'buy' you the odd coffee is simply to support, in however little a way, what you do because I enjoy watching you in action, sliced fingers and all :).


I mostly support you because i love watching you take things to bits but i do enjoy a little sneak preview!


I am fine either way. Your channel is such a wealth of knowledge and entertainment it is a great please to help out a little to help keep more items on their way for your disassembly pleasure. I hope you still enjoy taking things to bits as much as we enjoy sharing it. You always keep it interesting and your way with words and sense of houmour make it an always interesting watch. Excellent channel.


I definitely still enjoy taking things to bits. Even without YouTube I'd still be doing it.


The more Clive, the more I learn :-)


I'm OK with having a preview on Patreon. But most of the time i only watch on Youtube. Frankly, most of all automated email notifications i can't configure away get go straight to the trash or get auto-sorted into folders for later reference if needed. Including company mail, i get about 200-300 mails a day.... waay too much, really ;-)