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No literally...  A short about a short.



bang short



Very entertaining! Though, no doubt someone will use this as a reference for why ionizers are bad and dangerous.

Jim Hewlett

yup, in short that's a short short, but were you wearing shorts? and what drink would be appropriate do you think


Good one! But it would probably have been better to stress that this is not supposed to happen - a layman won't know that this is due to crappy electronics and may come away with the impression that ionisers are dangerous (or that they're fine unless you touch them with a file). I loved the note of urgency and the fiddling to unplug it once the thing started burning, it's a lot better than ElectroBOOM, because this one is real XD

Matt Tester

I'll bow my head in shame and say that I stopped the full video before it got to the second set of sparks, so thanks for making this.


A little bit of pee came out with me laughing at that :-)

Mike Hanley

Outstanding, I have to watch that again!

Mark Rimmell

I wonder what will happen first... A. China pass legislation to stop the manufacturing of such products, or B. The UK pass legislation to stop ebay facilitating the sale of such products? Either way, will the laws be enforced or even enforceable?


I love the ashes drifting by at the 15 second mark. I though it was a mouse or something running away across the table at first. YT will like this "short" (pun intended).


Frigging Loved it, hearing your voice, lets unplug that.

John Catterall

that is worth a double ....WOW

Alex Taylor

Best short ever


Metal file, fingers, tongue... Same results?