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This video involves 3D printed components, so it will only appeal to some people.  But there's also a decent amount of useful information including the cryptic way to find calcium nitrate on eBay, where the actual chemical name seems to have been flagged.  Because OBVIOUSLY we're all making explosives!  (It's not even very good for that.)

It's a neat project that took quite a time to create due to the 3D script design.



Custom LED flowing glitter lamp

I love glitter lamps, and this version is totally customisable, including for off-grid low voltage use. You don't need a 3D printer to do this project, but it does give you more options. There are four scripts at the bottom of this description for making a test sizing-ring, the full base, the lamp mounting plate and the cable relief grip. At this point in time I think that many commercial glitter lamps use calcium nitrate to increase the specific gravity of the liquid. It's taken a long time to work this out, and there were many failed experiments with other things like table salt, sugar, glycerine and many other more exotic chemicals. If you enjoy these videos you can help support the channel with a dollar for coffee, cookies and random gadgets for disassembly at:- http://www.bigclive.com/coffee.htm Here are the four scripts for making your customised components in openscad. To use them download the free software from https://openscad.org/ and copy and paste the desired script into the script window. Press the button with a cube and double arrow to see a quick build. When you have it how you like it, press the button with a cube and hourglass to render it, then the STL button to save your custom STL file. Here's the script that makes a test sizing ring for your chosen bottle. You can adjust the diameter variable as required. Remember to leave the "=" and ";" on either side of the variable intact as they are part of the script. //GU10 glitter test ring diameter=70; //diameter of bottle $fn=100; difference(){ union(){ //main body cylinder(h=3,d=diameter+3.2); } //hollow core translate([0,0,-1]) cylinder(h=5,d=diameter); } Here's the script that makes the GU10 lamp base mounting plate. Just two variables - the thickness and the screw hole size. I recommend leaving them as they are. //GU10 glitter GU10 base support base=2; //base thickness hole=3.5; //screw hole diameter $fn=100; difference(){ union(){ //main body translate([-20,-20,0]) cube([40,40,base]); } //screw holes translate([+15,+15,-1]) cylinder(h=10,d=hole); translate([-15,-15,-1]) cylinder(h=10,d=hole); translate([+15,-15,-1]) cylinder(h=10,d=hole); translate([-15,+15,-1]) cylinder(h=10,d=hole); //GU10 base screw holes translate([-8.75,0,-1]) cylinder(h=10,d=hole); translate([8.75,0,-1]) cylinder(h=10,d=hole); //GU10 base wire holes translate([-7,8,-1]) cylinder(h=5,d=6); translate([7,-8,-1]) cylinder(h=5,d=6); } Here's the script for the cable grip plate. No variables to adjust. //GU10 glitter cable grip $fn=100; difference(){ union(){ //cable grip strip translate([-5,-15,0]) cube([10,30,2]); } //screw holes translate([0,-10,-1]) cylinder(h=6,d=3.5); translate([0,+10,-1]) cylinder(h=6,d=3.5); } Here's the biggie script that makes the whole base. The only variables you really need to change are the height (of the whole base) and the bottle diameter. //GU10 glitter vial base //MAIN ADJUSTABLE VARIABLES height=15; //total height of tube bottle=70; //glitter bottle diameter (60+) //OPTIONAL VARIABLES wall=1.6; //thickness of tube wall (1.6) base=2; //base thickness (2) pillar=7; //screw pillar diameter (7) post=10; //screw pillar height (10) screw=2.5; //screw hole diameter (2.5) $fn=100; //circle resolution (facets) (100) //DO NOT ADJUST ANYTHING BELOW HERE halfbot=bottle/2; difference(){ union(){ difference(){ union(){ //main body cylinder(h=height,d=bottle+(wall*2)); } //hollow core translate([0,0,base]) cylinder(h=height,d=bottle); //cable entrance translate([-(halfbot-2),0,6+base]) rotate([0,270,0]) cylinder(h=5+wall,d=6); } // lamp pillars translate([+15,+15,0]) cylinder(h=post+base,d=pillar); translate([-15,-15,0]) cylinder(h=post+base,d=pillar); translate([+15,-15,0]) cylinder(h=post+base,d=pillar); translate([-15,+15,0]) cylinder(h=post+base,d=pillar); //central support pillar cylinder(h=post+base,d=pillar); //cable grip pillars translate([-25,-10,0]) cylinder(h=6+base,d=pillar); translate([-25,+10,0]) cylinder(h=6+base,d=pillar); //pillar tapers translate([+15,+15,base]) cylinder(h=2,d1=pillar+2,d2=pillar); translate([-15,-15,base]) cylinder(h=2,d1=pillar+2,d2=pillar); translate([+15,-15,base]) cylinder(h=2,d1=pillar+2,d2=pillar); translate([-15,+15,base]) cylinder(h=2,d1=pillar+2,d2=pillar); //cable pillar tapers translate([-25,-10,base]) cylinder(h=2,d1=pillar+2,d2=pillar); translate([-25,+10,base]) cylinder(h=2,d1=pillar+2,d2=pillar); //central support taper translate([0,0,base]) cylinder(h=2,d1=pillar+2,d2=pillar); //cable grip ledge translate([-26.5,-7,base]) cube([3,14,4]); } //pillar screw holes translate([+15,+15,base]) cylinder(h=post+1,d=screw); translate([-15,-15,base]) cylinder(h=post+1,d=screw); translate([+15,-15,base]) cylinder(h=post+1,d=screw); translate([-15,+15,base]) cylinder(h=post+1,d=screw); //cable grip screw holes translate([-25,-10,base]) cylinder(h=7,d=screw); translate([-25,+10,base]) cylinder(h=7,d=screw); }


Raven Luni

Has anyone thought to put active cooling at the top of these things - it would really help get the convection going


You have stairs in your bungalow??