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An odd video, but actually a very useful one.  This showcases the extreme efficiency of gallium nitride LEDs, and is something I use to help me get much better sleep.

It's also to raise awareness of hypnagogia - the transition between being awake and being asleep, which can be a bit weird for some people.  Probably one of those autism things again.




A dual purpose device that not only repels ghosts, but provides a reassuring ambient glow for remote off grid locations. Here's the wikipedia page for hypnagogia:- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypnagogia The device uses the extremely high efficiency of modern white LEDs to create an ambient glow that literally runs 24/7 for months on a single charge of good quality NiMH cells. With the solar hack it will potentially run for many years before the cells or LED need replaced. I've always had a slight issue with what might be called "shadows in the dark". A very spooky effect where you can see the shadows of people moving around in a very dark room. When I started having to spend a lot of time on the Isle of Man to look after my mother, I found the extreme blackness of island living very disconcerting, because the intense dark at night allowed ghostly images in my mind to be visible. If i was going to be all sci-fi about it, I'd describe it as if my bed was in a busy public place in an alternate dimension where I could perceive a continuous flow of people around me. It necessitated the use of a low level lightsource to raise the threshold of detection and make for a much more relaxing sleep experience. Basically a night light. This might cast a new "light" on kids who see "ghosts" in their room at night. And unfortunately many don't grow out of it. They just get used to it - but don't talk about it in case people think they're nuts. This version uses a very standard two AA cell battery holder with a 56 ohm resistor and an LED of your choice, or alternatively a socket so you can choose between LEDs easily. The unit does require low self discharge NiMH cells for maximum time between charges, and it's worth mentioning that some lesser LEDs (eBay!) may exhibit a parasitic resistance that results in less run time per charge. I found that I only need to charge the cells roughly every few months. The light output is extremely low, but in a very dark environment it is surprising how well it illuminates a room. But not bright enough that it disturbs sleep. It also showcases the massive dynamic range of human eyes. From near zero light to intense sunlight. I may have partaken of alcoholic beverages before making this video, but have no regrets whatsoever. Mid-play video-adverts are annoying in technical videos, so I don't enable them. If you appreciate that and enjoy my content then you can help support the channel with a contribution of a dollar or two a month on Patreon. That also lets you critique the (advert free) videos before they are released, gives a more direct means of communication with me and also gives access to the regular relaxed Patreon live streams. https://www.patreon.com/bigclive #ElectronicsCreators



Semi-related - I built one of your Joule Thieves several years ago and noticed that when I turned it on it made a whining sound. It's like the faint sound of a Ghostbuster's protonpack being turned on.


I never knew this was a real thing. I always thought they were a mini panic attack or something even though I don’t have those. I also dreamed the room was growing larger and I was thrown into a clock with constantly shifting gears that now I think about it could have been fractals. Thank you for enlightening me.