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If you can't beat California then join them instead.






I would make it more humorous. There is a lot of box-ticking in any business and in export laws. Yes, some rules are ridiculous, so let's better make something that's good for a good and deep laugh. You can do it! :-) (Maybe overload the wire with too much current and dryly remark "Oh no, will I get cancer now? ... Ah! Of course not! Luckily this only happens if you are in California!")


Eventually California should just make all of their residents wear a pair of AR goggles that constantly flashes "WARNING! WARNING! The World is a Dangerous Place and Death Waits Around Every Corner, You Soft Fleshy Mortal" or maybe they can provide some specifics of which component and what sort of contact is harmful. Basically prop 65 stickers seem to just say "something about this can kill you in some way, but we're not telling" I've almost completely stopped licking all of my electronics I buy out of fear.