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Yes I know.  It's shallow and guaranteed to please those with a short attention span.

But sometimes one must abuse the system for amusement.




A foolish project I conceived to create fireballs from a custom 3D printed whoofler that plugs directly onto a can of butane lighter refill gas. The liquid is just well diluted dishwashing liquid. If you ever consider making one of these (which I would obviously advise against) note that it does pose a fire risk in some areas, wind can blow the fireball into your face and it emits enough sooty smoke to make a mess and set off smoke detectors. To avoid MORE technical stupidity like this, I recommend AGAINST subscribing to my channel in case you are led astray into the dark side of technology. And do NOT like this video just because it is dangerous and pleases you. #shorts



Is it me or is the video image mirrored? (scrolling text is back to front - and on the wrong side of the solder reels)

Jeremy Impson

In fairness, fireball content is at the of the overlap in the Venn digram of interests held by big Clive fans and the stereotypical #shorts watcher.

Jeremy Impson

I am wondering the same thing. Does YouTube assume shorts are shit backwards so it automatically mirrors them? Or is Clive really getting into the spirit of sharts?

Mark Trombley

You are very, very naughty.


?weiV drawkcaB


Playing with Fire. Ahhh so many good memories, so many high quality lessons learned. You can't make an omelet without cracking a few eggs, you can't learn 'common-sense' and most practical life-skills without pushing the limits. Good to see, hopefully non-technical types don't over-react.

Alan Smithee

Put “Darwin Award” in the title. Cheap hit booster.


Soon be bonfire night, instead of a Guy Fawks make a Karen lol, I'm sure you could think of something 🤔


It was taken with the selfy camera on a phone. Most users haven't discovered the "flip the image" button.


I enjoyed it, a fireball is always a good time.


It appears to be the default setting on the YouTube app for shorts.

Michael Gilchrest

Big Clive, the world is better off with your fire balls than without them

Curtis Hoffmann

Caution: "Fireball is not to be performed indoors. Fireball is not to be performed while intoxicated or near other flammable sources. Fireball is not your friend; it's more like that crazy uncle that loves to take you high-speed racing along the coastal freeway, and hasn't had a legal driver's license in 20 years. In other words - knock yourself out."

Seán Byrne

The "Whoofler fireball generator" short popped up on my YouTube feed, but without the above fireball thumbnail.


Darn. That thumbnail is quite important for its clickability. Shorts doesn't seem to let you choose a thumbnail properly.