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Wifi socket repair fail - except to an ESP geek, to which it would actually be an interesting challenge to use the unit as a base for their own software.

Still wouldn't trust that tiny relay for much current though.




If this had been a simple fault it would probably have been an easy repair unless the power supply had failed with sooty track carnage. My first thought was that it would have been the usual drying of the secondary side smoothing capacitor, as they are put under a lot of stress by the high frequency of the power supply. In reality it looks like the fault is with the brains of the unit, a classic WiFi enabled processor module. If it's not ESD damage or natural failure, then it could be that the software has been corrupted or that it has been accidentally bricked. The only way to fix the device would be to use a new ESP module loaded with suitable software. It only seems to use three I/O (Input/Output) lines - the button input, green (?) LED and the transistor for switching the red LED and relay. You could either configure the I/O like for like, or use a loose module with flying wires for I/O and power. For ESP geeks that would be an easy fix, and a golden opportunity to customise the socket with their chosen firmware and features. I thought the issue with LED lamp glow might have been due to a snubber network leaking current across the relay contacts, but it's more likely that it was a polarity issue where neutral was being switched instead of live, and the glow was possibly current capacitively coupling through a grounded LED array with aluminium core PCB. Supporting the channel with a dollar or two on Patreon helps keep it independent of YouTube's quirks, avoids intrusive mid-video adverts, gives early access, bonus footage and regular quiet Patreon live streams. https://www.patreon.com/bigclive #ElectronicsCreators


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