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Hi guys and gals.  As I rapidly approach the big 100,000 subscriber mark I want to show my appreciation to you for supporting me on Patreon.  Do you have any ideas for prizes or something special?



Just keep making awesome videos. Or maybe a fanny Flambeau part deux


More great video content and a Clive made custom light for a prize?


A custom light is a good idea.

Eddy Gurge

Something that you make/light. Like that little shield you did a while back.

Al Hunt

Combine all of your "of DEATH!" ebay bits into a single functional "of DEATH!" device.


Would love to be able to get hold of one of your nixie lights or something like that


The prize is being one of your viewers, Clive! ;)


Release uncomplicated source code for projects with micro controllers?

D. Stuart

Have to agree. More vids! A custom neon or cool LED light would be neat and unique.. Please keep up the good work! Bought a batch of those super cheap 9W led floods you'd shown awhile back. Work great, very good led low current balance, and the ground neatly tucked away. Pulled 1/2" of the ground wire in, and attached to the proper spot. All good! Thanks.


Absolutely make your a Nixie light a prize to a random fan. Or you know, you could send me one. I'm pretty Random :)


The neon/nixie lights are definitely one of the more unique to your channel items, so I would vote for one of those as a giveaway. Otherwise, just keep making your great content.


A Nixie light please. I will be sleeping with Great Scott but thinking of you Big Clive.


Okay, you're gonna hate me for this idea (rightfully) and certainly feel free to ignore it, but... we've all seen 3D LED cubes; do you think a (free-running) 3D neon-lamp cube would be a viable thing...? Worthwhile to look at...? I mean it might as well be the first of its kind - I couldn't find any on the net. Is it too rare or too stupid...? :)


A Nixie light would be great (one with a BC cap for the UK viewers and an ES for the "others"... :)

Al Hunt

Pointless, expensive, and overly complicated electronics projects are NEVER stupid! They are a wonderful way of life.


How about a neon light made with *green* neons...like the old "magic eye" level meters on old tape recorders? Keep it up. Loving all your stuff! 👍


How about the offcuts from the next time you stick your beard into a funnel and trim it ? NOT!


Speaking purely selfishly, I'd love to see a tour of "Clives workshop". What lies beyond the bounds of the MDF sheet where the iPad does not look? :D What does someone who's actually had a few years to curse and swear at the failings of tools while half-way up a ladder in the rain choose so they don't have to do that twice? Dunno 'bout you Clive, but I generally find that kind of information pretty valuable...


I'm sure many people would like to visit your IOM workshop.


I find stories of your work and history quite interesting. I'm not 100% sure, but I think it would be fun to see some more old projects and experiments from the big pile. I also find the prop stories and explanations interesting. I love movie/tv special effects and seeing the *detail* of behind the scenes is really good.


As for suggestions, a potentially lethal mushroom lamp would be fun.


Definately a workshop tour for either everyone or just the patreons, might be something to learn or take inspiration from.


I'd wanna see the Asian-firework-doll trigger the 11kv-MOV-gunpowder-thingy via a baby-bath-electrode-boiler! Congrats on 100K!


I'm also for a workshop tour, no matter how messy. In fact, the more mess, the better!


The best reward would be for you to review another Flambeaux doll - if a different one exists!?


Get a better camera, this is the best prize I could get :D


Love the "Workshop Tour" idea. Congratulations on the 100k mark.


Congratulations in advance. I think I agree with others. A custom signature bigclive led/neon light and perhaps a comical video for everyone to have a good laugh at :-)

Little Vulpix

Show your desk/workshop! :D


The workshop tour might be a bit disappointing due to the fact that the most exciting one is on the other side of the Irish Sea and involves a room stuffed floor to ceiling with every conceivable electrical "thing" gathered over the space of 25 years. My new workshop here on the Isle of Man has a long way to go to reach that level, and a tour here would be of a weird house with strange lights, pinball machines and every horizontal surface (including areas of the floor) covered in technical stuff.


Incidentally, I am still experimenting with different camera's and they all seem to have weaknesses either in audio or picture. I think I may have to design a special bench-cam system.


All expense paid trip to the isle of Mann TT? Or if I just show up can I sleep in you garden. Congrats on 100,000.


Yes, that's precisely what we're after. A weird house with strange lights, and pinball machines sounds great to me. Maybe you can do another video of your other workshop another time :)


A custom LED wall sign that says "I'm not 100% sure..." For real.


Hmmm, perhaps an offer to inscribe your name with a soldering iron into/onto a tool we send you celebrating the 100k? :D (obviously we'd pay all the postage!)


I think you should add your favorite LED flair to the 100k subscribers silver play button you get from YouTube. It comes in a framed plaque. From videos it looks like youd have space and to add electronics. You can use the time soldering to talk about some of the personal historical stuff people want, too.


If you really want to give prizes, I agree with the nixie lamp kit! If it's cheap enough throw in the soldering iron kits, too!


How about an address (P.O. box?) which we can send things to for a mailbag segment/video series, like EEVblog or Julian Ilett do? I'd love to see more teardowns of more complex items, and I'm sure plenty of us would be glad to send such things your way. If not, a workshop tour or a nixie lamp kit would also be great.


No need for anything, but Thanks


I avoid making my address freely available, but do give it out individually when people have items that would make good videos. I don't want to offend people by not showing what they sent or worse, do what Dave does on EEVblog and completely fail to mask my actual thoughts when some kid sends a mangy old resistor.


I have already considered how it could be internally illuminated with a bit of back-lighting.


All I really ask is you continue with the completely random, bonkers, weird and sometimes downright daft videos (complete with technical knowledge and teachings). A workshop tour would be nice (maybe a revisit to your e-cig/vaping stuff if you're still at it). I also like the Youtube button mod and the LED sign ideas!


Hi. All i would ask is that you maybe explain some more of the terms you use regularly in videos and how they work , Snubber network & feedback coil ( in PSU's) for example. I ( and i think many others) although not specialized, have a reasonable understanding of basic electronics . Often just enough to be dangerous. And aside from waiting for your self inflicted early demise "on cam" ( meths was pretty damn stupid) i would love a bit more info sometimes. Thanks


We all wager in one of your resistor roulette games or something similar, and the winners provide their mailing addresses for you to add to your saved e-bay shipping addresses. Then its an odds game till you drunkenly order a random piece e-bay shit to one of those addresses by accident. Based on the stuff I've accidentally shipped to old apartments after a solid nights drinking I can only imagine the theories the current tenants must have about me... "why did this guy order a bunch of really cute pattern nylon tights, a set of generic labware, 100 neon indicator lamps, and a no-name SDS drill set, all from the same e-bay seller?"


I used that shipping technique for the last competition. It didn't go terribly smoothly as once I had selected an Australian address I found I couldn't change my location back again until I had bought another item that was available to Oz and shipped it to my UK address. All very odd. I guess eBay didn't think people would do this sort of thing.


What about a workshop tour?


Well done Clive! How about proving that all electronic components do indeed have secret smoke inside?


Congrats and well done, one of those globes that you made would be great


I love your nixie lights and nixie art.


Live stream, a weekend or two after overflowing 5 digits. Perhaps with a simultaneous Skype/Hangouts/etc. video conference for Patreon supporters. Any technical difficulties would only add to the charm.


Congratulations Clive. Please just continue with the videos and your excellent ramblings.


I would like to see create something to commemorate the occasion. personally I would like to see your take on turning an old ATX power supply into a multi voltage/ variable voltage bench supply we can all use to play with. I know other people have already done it, but would like to see your take on it, and whether or not you manage to add some cheap chinese metering.


For a prize you must have now got more soldering stations than you are going to personally use. I have no vested interest as they'll have for peel my dead fingers from my Antax.


Bugger; I wasn't expecting the return key to post. I was going to add that I'd like to see a video on using lithium cells as they scare me. I'm particularly wondering about how, or if, they can be connected in series. If they are can they then be charged as a pack or would they need separating out again? Keep up the good work.


As long as you take sensible precautions to charge them with a current and voltage limited supply, and avoid shorting or puncturing them they will be fine. You can charge them as packs, but if they are in series you will need a special PCB that provides balanced charging. Basically limiting the maximum voltage across any cell to about 4.2V while still allowing the others to charge. Fortunately these little PCBs are very common, so they can be bought on ebay. For two cells in series search for 8.4v protection and for 3 cells in series search for 12.6v protection.


Workshop tour?


I'd love to see a revisit/more detail on how to build the quartz clock as battery capacity tester. I thought that was such a simple/elegant way to do it, and I'd love to build my own.


That was a very neat idea, I'd be interested in a video on that.


I'd love to see something from one of two categories depending on what you can find. 1) "Vintage High Power" eBay search 2) Something robotic and cheap from China


Clive, how does this work for you??! You're spending a bazillion dollars on eBay, and we're only paying you $1,063 per month. The EU should be paying you for all you've done finding those dangerous Chinese products. Oh, and I hear that, that CE mark on stuff, it stands for Chinese Export!


Bigclive, I love you (not in that way), your Scot's accent turns me on (not in that way) and you have opened my eyes to the world of LED fun. I want to pledge more that 1 dollar. How?


Demolished Man You want to click on your avatar up right, then click MY PLEDGES ;) I dunna care what Clive says, fiverr's and tenner's abound :D I consider Clive to be an update to the Bond that was Connery


I was just trying to write this post, saying that it's a bloody liberty Patreon are talking setting us a multiple choice questionnaire of some very dodgy options . They seemed overly personal to me . Anyway I clumsily touched the browser window and I was directed to paetreon's sort of Twitter like page where it said the message was a mistake and it wasn't meant for posting. As a distraction from the bit about starting to charge you for its services it failed. Not impressed with patreon's recent form.


They do seem to be making some very odd decisions. I guess that they are learning the hard way as a young company. I have to admit, I'm quite surprised at how fast they are expanding their staff and the sort of roles they are creating. I may end up investigating PayPal as an alternative.


A dollar is just fine. It's a recurring monthly thing on Patreon, so everyone's contributions help fund many of the gadgets I take to bits for our entertainment.


paypal.me Clive, you can make your own "personal" way to send... No more difficult than saying <a href="https://paypal.me/yournickname/10" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://paypal.me/yournickname/10</a> for sending $10 to clive.. You set it up through your paypal email, Don't believe it is any less secure than a hashed paypal.com donate button. :D Keep on keeping on Clive!


Thanks for the info. It appears that that service is not available in this country (UK) though. I really should add some donation buttons on my website.


Hey Clive! Have some British Biscuits on me :) All the best :)


Any of your usual videos will do fine. Bonus points if it's about building / modding something... :)


Nothing at all required; the entertainment &amp; education is enough. but if you did want to give anything away perhaps something [safe :-) ] that that you have abundance (.g chargers etc) would be nice?


I don't know if you'd ever get your hands on a

Dr Tom Servo

Thanks for all the great videos you do

Little Vulpix

Wouldn't mind a tour of the workshop! :)


Found your channel a few weeks ago whilst randomly surfing youtube in the small hours. Been in electronics and electrical engineering for 31 years now and still not found the time to take stuff apart as much as I would like to. Its great to see someone else to do it for me and I don't have to tidy up afterwards! Keep it up mate, its great entertainment :)


I cant afford a pedicure for you overworked and battered hands, but I can afford a coffee for you to give your hands five minutes break. Stay safe Clive. Neal


A invite to visit with some electrical goods you have not seen before, and to do several teardowns with you. That would be an awsome prize. :D


I loved the scripted LED sign that you showed us a few months ago. Would be great to have a "bigclive YouTube" scriped light for my office (updated for modern tech with ICs and such). I'm sure it would be the talk of my school!


You have done a couple of tours of places you have worked in.. but would it be possible to look around your home 'lair'?? Incidentally sorry for last month's insulting donation, I didn't realise you could edit the amount box!!!


@pamela martin - a WHAT?