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Hey guys! Below is the link to download the game on Windows and Mac. We want to let you know that ver 0.1 isn't as long as we originally had planned since the bug fixing took a torn on the development of the game. We had to reconstruct the game almost from nothing after we weren't able to resolve a weird bug.

The good news is that we had everything backed up so don't worry. We will deliver a second version once we translate all the content that we already have in store for you, and the greater news is that it will drop THIS FRIDAY ON MARCH 17! For now, you can familiarize yourself with some of the characters and the story behind "Trinity Fate Prologue". Poles for the characters in the next wallpapers will be open in the next few days so stay tuned for that too. Hope you enjoy this kind of Beta-version and be excited for the rest of the content dropping very soon.

We could have waited to translate all the content we have already to the game programming but that would have meant leaving you guys waiting more time empty handed and that is not our style. Have fun guys and please feel free to reach out and ask about any doubts or bugs you may find during your playthrough.

