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And March is down! Thanks so much for your support this month, all! And welcome to all the new members! I hope you all had a great weekend and those who celebrate Easter didn't overdose on chocolate 😉 Here's a little recap of what we saw this month:

  • I kicked off the month with the first page of Part 2 of Korra Sandwich!

  • I then followed up with a fun little drawing of my Avatar Legends OC.

  • Then the Easter celebrations began with a series of pinups featuring some of our favorite ladies in bunny suits. We had our Buff Bunnies parts One, Two and Three, and our Haughty Hares parts One and Two.

  • That's a lot of bunny girls! But I'm not done yet. I'm still working on the last two pictures I wanted to get done. You can expect to see those a little later this week.

Gumroad Store in Limbo

A few weeks back, Gumroad decided to ban all NSFW content from their platform due to pressure from Paypal and Stripe. As of this writing, my Gumroad store is still up and purchases can still be made. The same applies to stores for all the other NSFW artists I follow. So, I really don't know what exactly is going on on Gumroad's end. My hope is that they'll eventually backtrack on their decision, or possibly just block the use of Paypal/Stripe for NSFW creators (Gumroad doesn't actually require you to use either one, and I personally never used them to begin with).

I'm still looking into other platforms in case Gumroad really does decide to follow through on their ban. I'm currently thinking of itch.io, but I'm not sure how safe of an option that is since they actually do require the use of Paypal or Stripe.

For now, I'm going to keep the Gumroad store up, and February's art will be added to it tomorrow, as per usual. Mythril patrons should've already received their discount codes earlier today. UPDATE: DONE! The files are now available here.

April Art

This month will be The Legend of Korra's 12th anniversary, and naturally I'll want to do a little something for that. Since I want to be sure to finish in time for the 14th, I'll be switching up the schedule again and starting with a SFW illustration for the anniversary before moving on to the other art.

So after the anniversary piece, I'll be drawing up a little 18+ mini-comic featuring Overwatch's Tracer and Emily, like you guys voted last month. I've wanted to draw these two together for a long time, so I'm looking forward to that.

I'll then be doing a sweet little CaitVi mini-comic. I haven't done a soft CaitVi thing in a while and so I can't wait to get to it!

Finally, we'll probably end the month with the next page of Korra Sandwich!

Whether or not I get to any bonus art this month will depend on what I plan to do for the two mini-comics. For now I think I can manage to do what I want in one single page for each, but if either of them need a second, I may not have time for the bonus art.

April polls (for May's art)

For April's 18+ poll, I want to continue on the current trend and bring back the remaining two options from last month's polls. So you guys'll get to decide between Cathrine and Shamir, or Miss Fortune and Illaoi! I want to get through both options eventually, so whichever option doesn't win this month will be drawn in a later month.

I've yet to decide what I want to do for this month's SFW poll, so you guys will just have to wait until the 5th to find out what it is!

Thank you all again for your support this month! And I hope you all have a great April (and don't fall for any pranks today 😉)



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