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Thank you so much for your support this month! I hope you all had a fabulous February. I've got some big news to share a bit below, but first, a little recap of the art we saw in February:

And don't forget, this is the last day that you'll be able to grab January's 18+ art and HD files! Tomorrow I'll be moving it all to Gumroad. UPDATE: Done! You can now get them here.

Officially Working Part-Time on the Patreon

Back at the start of the year, I mentioned that I would soon be able to start making more art for you guys if this Patreon kept up its steady pace. Well, things have held up and this month I'll officially start working part-time on my art! A BIG thank you to all of you who've supported me so far, I wouldn't be here without you guys and I hope you'll enjoy the extra art I'll be making each month.

But what kind of art will it be? Well, for now I'll just be playing it by ear. This is all kind of new for me and I'm not totally sure just how much art I'll actually be able to get done with all this extra time. I also realized there are too many things I'd like to draw, so I'll be deciding month-by-month what the bonus art will be. I could use the time to draw an extra illustration, pinup or mini-comic, or maybe some one-page comics will be turned into two-pagers instead. I'd also like to start exploring concepts for that OC comic project I've hinted at a few times. Whether or not the extra art is 18+ or SFW will also be decided on a month-by-month basis. I'm hoping I'll have time for one of each, but I'm not willing to promise that right now.

But for THIS month, I do plan on giving you guys some extra Easter treats...

March Art

This year Easter hits on March 31st, and I wanted to draw some of our favorite ladies, Asami, Caitlyn, Korra and Vi, in not-so-traditional bunny outfits. As a change of pace, I decided to pair them off in cross-overs, too. I asked you guys which cross-over you'd like to see for each and...

  • The 18+ poll was pretty well decided right from the get-go, with the vast majority of you guys asking for Buff Bunnies: Korra and Vi to get up to a bit of naughty fun together. 
  • The SFW poll was a hell of a battle, however, with an even 50-50 split for nearly the entire two weeks it was up. But finally, Haughty Hares: Asami and Caitlyn eked out the win by just a single vote!

Since I'd like to get these out close to Easter, I'm flipping the schedule around just for this month and going to be drawing these toward the end of the month rather than the beginning. To make up for the wait, and since I'm now officially going to be spending more time on art, I'd also like to throw in an extra pinup or two for each.

But what about the start of the month? Well, how about we get an early start on Korra Sandwich with page 1 of Part 2? I've already started working on it, so you can look forward to that sometime next week.

I'll then be following up with something a little different for this month's second SFW artwork. I recently joined a weekly game of the Avatar Legends TTRPG and I'm eager to draw up my character. I've been meaning to practice character design in anticipation for my OC comic, too, so this'll be a fun opportunity to do just that!

March Polls (for April art)

For April's 18+ art, I'll be bringing back the losing options from January's poll, since I still want a chance to draw those remaining sapphic pairings in spicy situations.

As for the SFW poll, I'll be offering up a handful of Arcane-themed options. These won't all be CaitVi or romantic in nature. Some will be more action focused, since I want to flex those particular drawing muscles again now that "The Things We Do For Love" is complete.

The Next 18+ Comic

The votes are in and you guys made it pretty clear you want to see Korra Sandwich get a Part 3! I've already got a few ideas in mind for what that'll involve, so I'll get to work on planning that out in the next few months so we can jump right to it after Part 2 is done.

And if you voted for the other options, don't worry, I'd still really like to get to them at some point so I plan on bringing the poll back for the next time around. I also noticed the softer, more romancy options being rather popular and it made me realize I've been drawing a lot of rough and/or kinky sex of late, and neglecting the softer/vanilla kind. So I'll try to rectify that in the next few months.

Thank you all again so much for your support and helping me get to this point! I hope you all keep enjoying my work and look forward to the bonus art from here on out!



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