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Welp, Spooky Season is sadly over and winter is right around the corner! This was a pretty big month for reasons I'll be dipping into a little later in this post, but for now, here's a quick recap of what we saw this passed month.

  • First we started off with a pair of Karlach fanarts, one SFW and one 18+.
  • I then followed that up with Page 5 of Korra Sandwich.
  • And I also jumped back onto my FFXIV/OC based one-shot comic, The Things We Do For Love. I'm still working on the latest page so I'm afraid this will delay November's art slightly.
  • September's HD files and 18+ art will be moved to Gumroad at the end of today. Be sure to download those files if you haven't already!

I also finally got around to using one of Patreon's new features...


Patreon recently released Collections, which lets creators group up a bunch of posts into different categories, and I've decided to put some together. You can find them under the Collections tab on the front page.

Hopefully this'll make it easier for new patrons to find what they want and also eliminate some confusion on how to access certain files.

Dedicating (a little) More Time to the Patreon

Thanks to your support, this Patreon is now successful enough that, starting this month, I'm able to reduce my office hours a little and start dedicating more time to making art! We're not quite at the point where I can promise more art yet, but I should at least be able to do more complex pieces with less risk of falling behind like I have in the past. And given that I've recently developed a taste for drawing comics, you guys might just see me do more of those from here on out 😁

This marks my first official step towards working on my art full-time. Well, maybe more of a half-step. But still, it's progress, and you guys helped me make it happen. So, thank you. Sincerely.

Here's hoping the Patreon maintains its momentum and I can soon take that other half-step.

But for now, here's what you guys can expect in November!

November Artworks

Arcane's second anniversary hits on November 6th! It's been 2 whole months since my last CaitVi artwork, so I decided to do two pictures for a proper celebration, based on your choices in last month's polls!

So, once I finish the latest page of The Things We Do For Love, we'll be seeing Caitlyn and Vi having entirely too good of a time in the bath.

I'll then follow that up with with a SFW picture of Caitlyn helping out Vi with her workout. I considered flipping the two and starting with the SFW picture so I could post it on the 6th, but given that I'm already pretty behind, I doubt I'd be able to make it in time anyway.

Afterwards, I'll of course move onto the conclusion of Part 1 of Korra Sandwich.

And finally, I'll finish off the month with the next page of The Things We Do For Love.

November Polls (for December illustrations)

In December I'll naturally want to do some holiday art, but I can't decide on who I want to include in them. So I'll let you guys decide! Both of this month's polls will feature several sapphic pairings that you guys might like to see celebrating their respective holidays. We'll see some old favorites but also some new ones based on the General Interest polls I did earlier in the year.

Also as a note ahead of time: Since I'll want to time these artworks to release around the 25th, and I plan to also do a little something for Korrasami Day (the 19th), I'll be switching up December's art schedule a bit to allow myself to do that.

And that's it! Thanks again SO MUCH for all your support and helping me get this far!



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