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Here's the work so far on our SFW piece for the month: more Karlach (and friends)!

My original idea for this one was a much more actiony piece with just Karlach being her usual badass self. But I was still feeling the warm fuzzies from finishing up my Autumn in Republic City comic, and instead decided I wanted to draw Karlach enjoying a happy moment surrounded by friends and loved ones, like she deserves. And of course I had to draw her doing her little dance!

The picture quickly ballooned into something more ambitious. And, funnily enough, turning it into a kind of mini comic not only helped me make it more dynamic but also saved time since I could just focus on the important bits instead of drawing the characters and tavern in full.

So, here we have Karlach and my Tav celebrating alongside Shadowheart, Jaheira, Minsc and of course Boo (the real star of the Baldur's Gate series, let's be honest).

I've had an unexpectedly busy week so this one is taking me longer than I'd like, but I should still be able to get it done in time for the weekend.



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