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And here, finally, is the full comic!

Thank you for sticking with me for this one, even though it took longer than I initially planned. As I've said before, this one was a big challenge for me, in part because of Korra's dynamic airbending poses, but also because I needed to tell this story mostly through Asami's expressions and body language rather than dialogue. Both are things I'm still learning and trying to get better at but hopefully I got it right.

Ever since I made my CaitVi comic last year, I've wanted to make a comic for Korrasami too, but it took a while for me to come up with an idea I was happy with. I love drawing these two together, so I'm glad I was finally able to draw up a sweet moment like this.

I'm also happy I was able to finally round out all of the elements for Korra. I suppose the next step would be drawing her in the Avatar State bending all four at once? I'll have to come up with a cool idea for that.

I hope you guys enjoy this little moment between these two lovebirds as much as I've enjoyed working on it. I'll be keeping this comic in early access for a few more days, and then I'll finally share the HD files as promised.

But I'm not yet done with these two this month. Now it's time for me to get started on the next page of Korra Sandwich.



Linda Lohmaier

A great comic. The movement, the leaves, and the blush are all wonderful. The fact that Asami finally puts the book down and gives and just ogles is okay by me. Well Done!!


Love this! The silly fringe front pieces 😍