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Phew! What a month! To start off we doubled up on Brigitte and D.va art thanks to your votes. I had a lot of fun drawing those two, so don't be surprised if you see them make a return in the future. I also managed to finish the other art soon enough to squeeze in an extra Arcane picture. Hope you guys liked that little bonus!

This month also saw quite a few of you sign up, so a big welcome to you guys!

April Artwork

Easter's right around the corner and I've already gotten started on our first 18+ piece for this month. You guys voted for a good ol' Cupcake Feast, so that's what you'll get. Afterwards we'll be seeing a little Korrasami to celebrate Korra's anniversary as the first SFW picture of the month. I'm trying to hit specific dates for both of these, so hopefully I can finish them on time!

The second 18+ artwork is a little up in the air right now, as I haven't quite decided on it yet. But I can tell you it could end up being something hetero since I've wanted to switch things up a little lately. But we'll see what I'm in the mood for when I get to it.

And of course we'll be rounding out the month with Page 6 of The Things We Do For Love.

April Polls (for May illustrations)

The April polls will be a reverse of March's polls. After doing Summer, Fall and then Winter, I figured I should probably round out the seasons by doing a "Spring in Piltover" piece, too. So the SFW poll will let you guys decide what form that CaitVi piece will take!

And the 18+ poll will be a variety of Korrasami options. I've had a bunch of kinky ideas bouncing around my head for a while, so it's time to let you guys pick one!

That's it! Thanks a ton for your support, and I hope you have an awesome April!



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